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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Thursday, September 21, 2006

1. Hand in 2 soliloquy handouts w/questions and answers
2. Film: Hamlet How did this film begin? Was it like the play? What differences did you notice? Why do you think they did it that way?
HOMEWORK due Fri: Handout soliloquy Act 4.4
HOMEWORK due Fri: Quiz on Bible terms 11-20
HOMEWORK due Mon & Wed: Research Project (handout) due dates at bottom
Foster, D
Jones, L

1. AR reading 10 mins and log DEADLINE TOMORROW!
2. Start writing an episode that depicts the first encounter between Beowulf and Grendel p10 in textbook.
> Use SENSORY details : sight, sound, smell, touch, taste
> Use figurative language: His misery leaped the seas.
• Write a rough draft. Skip lines. Final draft must be 300 words minimum.
HOMEWORK: Write 100 words of rough draft for tomorrow
Castillo, M
Godoy, R
Reid, A
Sauls, E
Stephenson, G