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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fri, Jan 23, 2009

Fri, Jan 23

Pds 1,2
1. AR rdg
2. Canterbury Tale videos: Franklin’s Tale
3. Write who was most generous or noble and why you think so.
4. Pd 1 Cat Sentence Contest for pd 2
Pd 4
1. AR rdg
2. Canterbury Tale video:Tales from the Knight & Wife of Bath; discuss

Pd 5
1. Quiz Byron and Don Juan
2. Hand in lines for “She Walks in Beauty”
and discuss choices for best and unclear
3. Cat Sentence Contest, not finished
4. Get in Book Groups with handouts.
HW: 1) Read Shelley p694-6, “Comment” p699, and “Apostrophe” p700. Write 3 important facts about each to hand in and to recall on a quiz. 2) Read “Ode to the West Wind” pp697-9 and “Ozymandias” p706. For each poem select the best line and the most unclear line to write on the same sheet as the 3 facts in the reading for 1)
HW: Due Monday-Copy favorite line(s) from Rime of the Ancient Mariner and illustrate. Art Requirements 1) minimum of 3 colors, 2) fill the page, 3) contrast of dark and light, 4) no stick figures