Persuasive Essay in Seven Easy Steps
1. Think of topics of interest to you that you have some personal experience with.
For example, for me it would be books, my school, places I have lived, restaurants and stores, cafeteria food, my children, sailing, cars I have driven, etc.
2. Pick one and write an opinion about it that some people might disagree with.
For example, I picked BOOKS, and my opinion is that you should read Tuesdays with Morrie. In the past I chose If you want a good car, you should buy a Camry.
3. Make a chart listing reasons why your opinion is right (for it) and reasons why it is wrong (against it).
For example:
You should read Tuesdays with Morrie
1. Lessons about life
2. Two men struggle
with problems and
solve them
1. It’s about death
4. If you have 2 good reasons FOR and one good reason AGAINST, you can write a THESIS statement by filling in the blanks:
Even though ___[reason Against]____,
___[put your Opinion on this line]____
because ___[second-best reason For]_
and ____[best reason For]__________.
For example:
Even though it is about death,
you should read Tuesdays with Morrie
because 2 men in it solve terrible problems,
and it teaches amazing lessons about life.
5. Write an Outline of the body ¶ s based on your thesis. Begin with people’s objection to your opinion, because they will see you considering both sides to the argument and then they will listen to your side.
For example:
Write the OUTLINE of the BODY ¶ s from this THESIS:
Even though it is about death, I.
you should read Tuesdays with Morrie
because 2 men solve terrible problems, II.
and it teaches amazing lessons on life. III.
I. It is about death
II. Solving terrible problems
III. Lessons on life
Fill in the outline by writing 2 things about each subtopic. Now you have a plan!
6. Write your body ¶ s. I. II. III.
If you write the objection to your opinion first, don’t convince them NOT to agree with you! Play down the argument against you. Or if you can’t weaken it, admit it and say that your idea is so good, they will want to agree with you anyway!
And don’t make it your biggest, best paragraph!
To argue For your opinion, use all the specific details you know from your experience with the topic. Help the reader feel what you feel, know what you know.
7. Write your beginning and ending-- the introduction ¶ and the conclusion ¶. Both consist mostly of your THESIS.
Introduction ¶
1. Attention getter related to topic
Conclusion ¶
1. THESIS restated in different words or a different way
2. A personal comment not said before, and related to your topic
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wed, Apr 22, 2009
Wed, Apr 22
Pd 1
1. AR rdg
2. Write the last 2 ¶ s for persuasive essay.
Pd 4
1. AR rdg
2. Write 2 more ¶ s for 10 more points on the persuasive essay.
Pd 1
1. AR rdg
2. Write the last 2 ¶ s for persuasive essay.
Pd 4
1. AR rdg
2. Write 2 more ¶ s for 10 more points on the persuasive essay.
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