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Friday, April 17, 2009

Fri, Apr 17, 2009

Fri, Apr 17

Pds 1,2,4
1. AR rdg
2. Work on outline of essay. Take body ¶ s from thesis.
Even though _____I_____,
______[my opinion]______
because _________II_____
and __________III________.
Write at least two details for each of the 3 body ¶ s and hand in. (9 points)

1. AR rdg
2. Quiz on Act 2 Pygmalion
3. Writing an AP essay
• Read poem twice
• Set up triangle: Answer the question using literary strategies and several examples of evidence for each.
• Use analysis technique such as TP-CASTT
4. Review TPCASTT for quiz
A=Attitude (like Tone but too many T's already)
T=Title again
HW: Read Act 3, p 1174-1185, answer qstn #10 p 1185
HW: Read p 1229 for quiz.
Copy a passage of several representative sentences (100-200 words) from each author:
Conrad p 925- Secret Sharer
Munro p 951- Sredni Vashtar
Joyce p 959- or 966- Araby or Portrait of the Artist
Lawrence p 973- Rocking Horse. You may copy pages from the book on a copier.