Mon, May 11
Pds 1, 2, 4
1. AR rdg
2. Voc Qz 11-20 Pd 4
Pds 1 & 2 study #s 19 & 20 for inclusion with Tues quiz 11-22.
Pd 5
1. Discuss Essential Vocabulary 1-25. Idiom: an expression (group of words) that can't be understood from the meaning of its separate words. For example, to "kick the bucket" means to die.
2. The Anglo-Saxon period is notable for the groups of people who lived in England during formative invasions. The earliest people known to live there were Celts. The Romans came and built roads, walls, towns, and forts. They left when Rome was attacked. Germanic tribes such as the Angles and the Saxons invaded and took over from the Celts. The country came to be called Angland. Vikings from Denmark invaded and held land called the DaneLaw but were eventually defeated by the Anglo-Saxons. Finally, the French from Normandy defeated the Anglo-Saxons and united England under one king.
3. Beowulf: Quiz
HW: Do a “One-Pager” for Beowulf quotes. See quotations below. Select a quotation to illustrate. Write the quote, documented MLA style, in large, dark letters. Art should have at least 3 colors, contrast from dark to light, fill the page, use no stick figures, and fit the quote and period appropriately.
HW: Read about the Middle Ages/ Medieval Period pp 68-75 for T/F quiz. Know the two major elements of the period.
Quotations for Burton Raffel’s translation of Beowulf
• Quote 3: "recalling/ The Almighty making of the earth, shaping/ These beautiful plains marked off by oceans,/ Then proudly setting the sun and moon/ To glow across the land and light it;/...made quick with life, with each/ Of the nations who now move on its face." pg. 26, lines 91-98
• Quote 4: "Till the monster stirred, that demon, that fiend/Grendel who haunted the moors, the wild/Marshes, and made his home in a hell./Not hell but hell on earth. He was spawned in that slime/Of Cain, murderous creatures banished/ By God, punished forever for the crime/ Of Abel's death." pg. 26, lines 101-108
• Quote 5: "Twelve winters of grief for Hrothgar, king/ Of the Danes, sorrow heaped at his door/ By hell-forged hands, His misery leaped/ The seas, was told and sung in all/ Men's ears" pg. 28, lines 147-151
• Quote 6: "Grendel's hatred began,/...the monster relished his savage war/ On the Danes, keeping the bloody feud/ Alive, seeking no peace, offering/ No truce, accepting no settlement, no price/ In gold or land, and paying the living/ For one crime only with another. No one/ Waited for reparation from his plundering claws:/ That shadow of death hunted in the darkness,/ Stalked Hrothgar's warriors." pg. 28, lines 151-160
Monday, May 11, 2009
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