Tuesday, 11 March 2008
1. SRF
2. Work on Reading Record Card for Jane Eyre
3. Work on 22-38 Vocabulary List
Exam tomorrow will be an AP Multiple Choice Exam with one essay question.
1. List vocabulary words you have trouble with. List synonyms from the thesaurus. Use them to play Wheel of Fortune.
Exam tomorrow will be a practice SAT Exam with Reading and Writing Sections
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Monday, 10 March 2008
Monday, 10 March 2008
Periods 1 & 2
1. AR rdg & log
Exam schedule:3&4,5&6,1&2,TWT
.....Period 1
2. Exam Review, took notes on:
6+1 Writing traits & my defns for
Ideas>meaning, content
Voice> personality of writer
Sent Flue>beauty&naturalness of
the way words are put together
.....Period 2
2. Hand in or show me contest draft
Period 5
1. Hand in critical response p857
2. Quiz on Oscar Wilde & IBE
3. HW or classwork on Import…Ernest
4. Voc ch22-38= 17 words & defn
No quiz tomorrow. You'll do classwork from the book. Study for your 3rd & 4th period exams.
HW: Voc lists due later this week
Bring in books
Period 6
1. Exam review of topics to cover
• SAT sections:
2 Critical Reading & 1 Writing Skills
• Vocabulary 31-74
Periods 1 & 2
1. AR rdg & log
Exam schedule:3&4,5&6,1&2,TWT
.....Period 1
2. Exam Review, took notes on:
6+1 Writing traits & my defns for
Ideas>meaning, content
Voice> personality of writer
Sent Flue>beauty&naturalness of
the way words are put together
.....Period 2
2. Hand in or show me contest draft
Period 5
1. Hand in critical response p857
2. Quiz on Oscar Wilde & IBE
3. HW or classwork on Import…Ernest
4. Voc ch22-38= 17 words & defn
No quiz tomorrow. You'll do classwork from the book. Study for your 3rd & 4th period exams.
HW: Voc lists due later this week
Bring in books
Period 6
1. Exam review of topics to cover
• SAT sections:
2 Critical Reading & 1 Writing Skills
• Vocabulary 31-74
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Friday, 7 March 2008
Friday, 7 March 2008
Periods 1 & 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Any more Macbeth essays?
3. Give presentation
4. Write a rough draft of a story (less than 300 words) about the ocean and you for the Kids Day contest. Show me for points.
Period 2: Quiz on the Restoration and 2 details
Period 5
1. SRF
2. Quiz Charles Dickens and David Copperfield pp 845-857
3. Discuss poems : Browning
HW: Critical response p 857
HW:Read Oscar Wilde and part of The Importance of Being Ernest pp 868 –875 Tell what or who is being satirized and write a quote from the play to show why you think so.
HW for Tues: Read pp 907-910 The English Language
HW for Tues: Twentieth Century pp 914-920
Bring books: Jane Eyre, Hamlet, Sound and Sense
Period 6
1. Voc Quiz 67-76
2. Check Pract Test2 Sec2 SAT
HW: Voc 77-78
Periods 1 & 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Any more Macbeth essays?
3. Give presentation
4. Write a rough draft of a story (less than 300 words) about the ocean and you for the Kids Day contest. Show me for points.
Period 2: Quiz on the Restoration and 2 details
Period 5
1. SRF
2. Quiz Charles Dickens and David Copperfield pp 845-857
3. Discuss poems : Browning
HW: Critical response p 857
HW:Read Oscar Wilde and part of The Importance of Being Ernest pp 868 –875 Tell what or who is being satirized and write a quote from the play to show why you think so.
HW for Tues: Read pp 907-910 The English Language
HW for Tues: Twentieth Century pp 914-920
Bring books: Jane Eyre, Hamlet, Sound and Sense
Period 6
1. Voc Quiz 67-76
2. Check Pract Test2 Sec2 SAT
HW: Voc 77-78
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Thursday, 6 March 2008
Thursday, 6 March 2008
Period 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Any more Macbeth essays?
3. Presentations
4. Literary Periods pp134-5
Read and discuss.
Take Cornell notes for quiz.
.....The Restoration Period
1. Puritans took over and were intolerant
2. The monarchy was restored with less power, but Parliament ruled.
Period 5
1. SRF
2. Quiz Eliz Bar Browning&Sonnets from Portuguese
3. Show me your revision & r.d. Hand in if it's ready to be graded
4. Discussion of poems in groups
HW: Read Charles Dickens and
David Copperfield pp 845-857
HW: Reading Record Card due for Jane Eyre
HW: Bring books: Jane Eyre, Hamlet, Sound and Sense
Period 6
1. SRF
2. Voc Quiz 63-72
3. Practice Test2 Sec2 SAT
HW: Voc 73-74
Period 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Any more Macbeth essays?
3. Presentations
4. Literary Periods pp134-5
Read and discuss.
Take Cornell notes for quiz.
.....The Restoration Period
1. Puritans took over and were intolerant
2. The monarchy was restored with less power, but Parliament ruled.
Period 5
1. SRF
2. Quiz Eliz Bar Browning&Sonnets from Portuguese
3. Show me your revision & r.d. Hand in if it's ready to be graded
4. Discussion of poems in groups
HW: Read Charles Dickens and
David Copperfield pp 845-857
HW: Reading Record Card due for Jane Eyre
HW: Bring books: Jane Eyre, Hamlet, Sound and Sense
Period 6
1. SRF
2. Voc Quiz 63-72
3. Practice Test2 Sec2 SAT
HW: Voc 73-74
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Period 1
1. AR rdg & log
2. Any more Macbeth essays?
3. Presentation
4. Quiz Literary Periods p134 Gold
5. Kid’s Day story
HW: Rough draft due Friday
Period 6
1. Effective Wrtg Quiz 1-10
2. NovaNet in Learning Center
Write NovaNet Journal:
Date and what you learned today
Period 1
1. AR rdg & log
2. Any more Macbeth essays?
3. Presentation
4. Quiz Literary Periods p134 Gold
5. Kid’s Day story
HW: Rough draft due Friday
Period 6
1. Effective Wrtg Quiz 1-10
2. NovaNet in Learning Center
Write NovaNet Journal:
Date and what you learned today
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Tuesday, 4 March, 2008
Tuesday, 4 March, 2008
Periods 1 & 2
1. AR rdg and log
2. Any more Macbeth essays?
3. Any more Presentations?
Period 1
1. Review voc 1-19;
2. Romantic Period pp 134-135 Cornell notes.
HW: Qz Wed on notes
Period 2
Voc Quiz 10-19
Period 5
1. Quiz on Browning’s poems
2. Show me your rough drafts <300 or >500
3. Discussion
HW: Read Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Sonnets from the Portuguese.
HW: Type and revise your contest essay. Bring both copies to class to show me.
• Ocean (Kids Day) < 300 for $100
• 4 Qstns (Rotary) >500 for $1000, $700, $500, $300 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place
Periods 1 & 2
1. AR rdg and log
2. Any more Macbeth essays?
3. Any more Presentations?
Period 1
1. Review voc 1-19;
2. Romantic Period pp 134-135 Cornell notes.
HW: Qz Wed on notes
Period 2
Voc Quiz 10-19
Period 5
1. Quiz on Browning’s poems
2. Show me your rough drafts <300 or >500
3. Discussion
HW: Read Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Sonnets from the Portuguese.
HW: Type and revise your contest essay. Bring both copies to class to show me.
• Ocean (Kids Day) < 300 for $100
• 4 Qstns (Rotary) >500 for $1000, $700, $500, $300 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place
Monday, March 03, 2008
Monday, 3 March, 2008
Monday, 3 March, 2008
Periods 1 & 2
1. AR rdg and log
2. Any more Macbeth essays
3. Presentations
Period 5
1. Quiz on Browning
2. Hand in summary and theme for Duchess
3. Discussion
HW: Write rough draft for local Contest. See Friday 2/29 for details
HW: Read Porphyria's Lover p802; Meeting at Night; Parting at Morning p805; Prospice p806
Period 6
1. Voc Quiz 63-72
2. Finish Effective Writing from SAT
3. HW: Voc 73-74
Periods 1 & 2
1. AR rdg and log
2. Any more Macbeth essays
3. Presentations
Period 5
1. Quiz on Browning
2. Hand in summary and theme for Duchess
3. Discussion
HW: Write rough draft for local Contest. See Friday 2/29 for details
HW: Read Porphyria's Lover p802; Meeting at Night; Parting at Morning p805; Prospice p806
Period 6
1. Voc Quiz 63-72
2. Finish Effective Writing from SAT
3. HW: Voc 73-74
Friday, 29 February, 2008
Friday, 29 February, 2008
Periods 1 & 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Any more Macbeth essays?
3. Give presentations
Period 5
1. SRF
2. Turn in
Final draft
Rough draft with corrections
Final outline
Rough outline
3. Write 5 two word poems& hand in
HW: Due Tues: Write a rough draft of contest essay:
Kid's Day Ocean, <300 words for $100;
Rotary 4Way Qstns >500 words for$1000, $700, $500, or $300
Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
HW: due Mon: Read pp798-801Robert Browning and "My Last Duchess" Summarize poem and tell what you think is the theme.
Period 6
1. Voc Quiz 61-70
2. Effective Writing from SAT
HW: Voc 71-73
Periods 1 & 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Any more Macbeth essays?
3. Give presentations
Period 5
1. SRF
2. Turn in
Final draft
Rough draft with corrections
Final outline
Rough outline
3. Write 5 two word poems& hand in
HW: Due Tues: Write a rough draft of contest essay:
Kid's Day Ocean, <300 words for $100;
Rotary 4Way Qstns >500 words for$1000, $700, $500, or $300
Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
HW: due Mon: Read pp798-801Robert Browning and "My Last Duchess" Summarize poem and tell what you think is the theme.
Period 6
1. Voc Quiz 61-70
2. Effective Writing from SAT
HW: Voc 71-73
Thursday, 28 February, 2008
Thursday, 28 February,2008
Period 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Any more Macbeth essays?
3. Prepare for presentations
4. Quality presentations
1] Loud enough
2] Slow enough
3] Enunciate clearly
4] Stress important words
5] Stay in character
Period 5
1. SRF
2. Check 600 words
3. Check 21-30 MC for Jane Eyre
4. Contests: Kid's Day & 4 Qstnsfrom the Rotary
HW: Final draft
Period 6
1. Voc Quiz 59-68
2. Effective Writing from SAT
HW: Voc 69-7
Period 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Any more Macbeth essays?
3. Prepare for presentations
4. Quality presentations
1] Loud enough
2] Slow enough
3] Enunciate clearly
4] Stress important words
5] Stay in character
Period 5
1. SRF
2. Check 600 words
3. Check 21-30 MC for Jane Eyre
4. Contests: Kid's Day & 4 Qstnsfrom the Rotary
HW: Final draft
Period 6
1. Voc Quiz 59-68
2. Effective Writing from SAT
HW: Voc 69-7
Wednesday, 27 February, 2008
Wednesday, 27 February, 2008
Period 1
1. AR rdg & log
2. Any more Macbeth essays?
3. Prepare for presentations
4. Quality presentations
1] Loud enough
2] Slow enough
3] Enunciate clearly
4] Stress important words
5] Stay in character
Period 6
1. Voc Quiz 57-66
2. NovaNet in Learning Center
Write NovaNet Journal:
Date and what you learned today
HW: Voc 67-68
Period 1
1. AR rdg & log
2. Any more Macbeth essays?
3. Prepare for presentations
4. Quality presentations
1] Loud enough
2] Slow enough
3] Enunciate clearly
4] Stress important words
5] Stay in character
Period 6
1. Voc Quiz 57-66
2. NovaNet in Learning Center
Write NovaNet Journal:
Date and what you learned today
HW: Voc 67-68
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