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Friday, December 19, 2008

Fri, Dec 19, 2008

Fri, Dec 19

Pds 1,2,4,5
1. Uncommon sense word game or Wheel of Fortune

2. Pds 1,2,4
Canterbury Tales video will be continued in January.

Thu, Dec 18, 2008

Thu, Dec 18

Pd 5
Sem 1 Exam

Pds 1,2
Remington College Presentation

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wed, Dec 17, 2008

Wed, Dec 17

Pd 4
1. Review questions
2. Exam

Pd 5
1. Review questions for exam
2. Study terms for exam:
Example: a character who is used in contrast to another character
ALLEGORY the presentation of abstract or moral concepts through more concrete means, creating 2 levels of meaning
ALLITERATION the repetition of consonant sounds in words that are close to one another, most often at the beginning of words; an essential feature of Anglo-Saxon poetry
ANTITHESIS two directly opposed ideas presented in a grammatically parallel way
BLANK VERSE Unrhymed iambic pentameter
CAESURA a pause in a line of poetry dictated by natural speaking rhythm
CONCEIT an elaborate and often surprising comparison between two apparently highly dissimilar things
DIALECT a way of speaking that is characteristic of a particular region or group of people
ELEGY a poem that mourns the death of a person or something lost
EPITHET an adjective or other descriptive phrase that is regularly used to characterize a person, place, or thing.
FOIL a character who is used in contrast to another character
FREE VERSE Poetry that has no regular meter or rhyme scheme
HYPERBOLE a figure of speech that uses exaggeration to express strong emotion or create a comic effect.
IMAGERY language that appeals to the senses
KENNING in Anglo-Saxon poetry, a metaphorical phrase or compound word used to name a person, place, thing, or event indirectly.
LYRIC POETRY poetry that focuses on expressing emotions or thoughts, rather than on telling a story
ODE a complex, generally long lyric poem on a serious subject
PARALLELISM the repetition of words, phrases, or sentences that have the same grammatical structure or that restate a similar idea
PARODY the imitation of a work of literature, art, or music for amusement or instruction
PASTORAL a type of poem that depicts country or rustic life in idyllic, idealized terms
SATIRE a kind of writing that ridicules human weakness, vice, or folly in order to bring about social reform
SCANSION indicating the metrical pattern of a poem by marking the stressed and unstressed syllables
SONNET a 14 line lyric poem, usually written in iambic pentameter, that has one of several rhyme schemes
WIT a quality of speech or writing that combines verbal cleverness with keen perception, especially of the incongruous

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tue, Dec 16, 2008

Tue, Dec 16

Pds 1, 2
1. Discuss students' questions about the review sheet
2. Semester 1 Exam

Pd 4
Remington College presentation

Monday, December 15, 2008

Mon, Dec 15, 2008

Mon, Dec 15

Pds 1,2,4
1. AR rdg & quiz
2. Review for exam

Pd 5
1. AR rdg & quiz
2. Quizzes on Wordsworth p631 and poems: Tintern Abbey p633, Strange Fits p 638, She Dwelt p639, A Slumber p640, I Wandered p642, Solitary Reaper p645
HW: Study for your exams

Friday, December 12, 2008

Fri, Dec 12, 2008

Fri, Dec 12

Pds 1,2,4
1. AR rdg
2. Pd 1 discuss 1-7 p162
3. Pass out review sheet
4. Pd 1 video of the Merchant’s Tale
5. Pds2,4 Discuss review questions

Pd 5
1. AR rdg
2. Hand in Critical Response and 3 facts about Blake
3. Discuss Tyger & Lamb
4. Get back quiz S&S chs 4,5,6 to correct errors
HW: Read Wm. Wordsworth p631, Tintern Abbey p633, Strange Fits p 638, She Dwelt p639, A Slumber p640, I Wandered p642, Solitary Reaper p645 for quizzes on all.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thu, Dec 11, 2008

Thu, Dec 11

Pds 2,4
1. AR rdg
2. Write sentences for Voc words 7-13 showing meaning and relating them to the literature read.
3. Pd 4: Go over answers to qstns 1-7 on p162

Pd 5
1. AR rdg
2. Quiz “Style,” The Romantic Period, and “To a Mouse.”
3. Hand in Burns: 3 facts
4. Group novel mtg day will begin on Thursday, Jan 15.
5. Get sem 1 exam review of topics covered
HW: Read William Blake & “Poems” p617-620, “The Tyger” and “The Lamb” pp620-622. Write 3 important facts about Blake and do the Critical Response on p622.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wed, Dec 10, 2008

Wed, Dec 10

Pd 1
1. AR rdg
2. Voc. 7-10: write definitions and a sentence using the word &literature we have read.
3. Answer qstns 1-7 on p162 in purple book

Pd 4
1. AR rdg
2. Discuss Canterbury Tales pp 162-3 in purple book: Satire
3. Answer qstns 1-7 p162 in complete sentences or with the question.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Tue, Dec 9, 2008

Tue, Dec 9

Pds 1,2
1. AR rdg
2. Discuss Canterbury Tales pp 162-3 in purple book
3. Pd Answer qstns 1-7

Pd 5
1. Quiz on Johnson & Dictionary p555 only
2. Hand in responses and 2 favorite words
3. Four groups of 5 for selection of group novel.
HW: -Read for quizzes:
• “Style” p565
• Romantic Pd pp600-610
• “The Mouse” p613+
-Read about Robert Burns p611-2. Write the 3 most important facts about his life

Monday, December 08, 2008

Mon, Dec 8, 2008

Mon, Dec 8

Pds 1,2,4
1. AR rdg
2. Review The Pardoner’s Tale & discuss the Pardoner and his message: “Love of money is the root of all evil.”
3. Quiz: Pardoner’s Tale from silver book

Pd 5
1. AR rdg
2. Quiz “Modest Proposal” & Alexander Pope
3. Discuss Satire, Wit, and “Essay . . .” poems
4. Hand in paraphrases
HW: Read:
• Samuel Johnson pp553-4 for quiz.
• Dictionary of the Eng. Lang pp 555-8 for quiz on p555.
-Pick 2 favorite words from Dictionary and do Critical Response p555.
-Read “Letter to Lord Chesterfield” pp 559-60, and do any one of the 3 Responses on p 560.

Fri, Dec 5, 2008

Fri, Dec 5

Pds 1,2,4
1. AR rdg
2. Read "The Pardoner’s Tale" p13 in gold book and pp 123-125 in silver book
3. Quiz

Pd 5
1. AR rdg
2. Quiz Robinson Crusoe
3. AP essay practice
HW: Read Satire pp516+, A Modest Proposal pp 518-523 (quiz), Alexander Pope pp525+ (quiz), “An Essay in Criticism” p529, “An Essay on Man” p 530. Paraphrase both. What is the best line of each poem? Read Wit p542.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Thu, Dec 4, 2008

Thu, Dec 4

Pds 2,4
1. AR rdg
2. Check worksheet
3. Quiz on 3 pilgrims

Pd 5
1. AR rdg
2. Quiz Defoe and Journal of the Plague Year
3. Mult Choice practice
HW: Read Robinson Crusoe excerpt for quiz.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Wed, Dec 3, 2008

Wed, Dec 3

Pd 1
1. AR rdg
2. Quiz on 3 pilgrims
3. Binder check

Pd 4
1. AR rdg
2. Review the Knight, the Squire, and the Prioress
3. Pd 2 Complete Understanding Characterization sheet
4. Write about each of the three by 1) a descriptive trait and 2) two actions that support the descriptive trait

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Tue, Dec 2 , 2008

Tue, Dec 2

Pds 1,2
1. AR rdg
2. Review the Knight, the Squire, and the Prioress
3. Pd 2 Complete Understanding Characterization sheet
4. Write about each of the three pilgrims by 1) a descriptive trait and 2) two actions that support the descriptive trait
5. Pd 1 Voc #7 satire: (n) + def’n. Binder check Wed.

Pd 5
1. Quiz on Eng. Lang pp438+ and The Restoration pp448+
2. Discuss “On His Blindness” and poetry.
HW: Read Defoe pp480+ and Journal of the Plague Year pp497+ for quiz

Monday, December 01, 2008

Mon, Dec 1, 2008

Mon, Dec 1

Pds 1,2,4
1. AR rdg
2. Discuss the Knight, the Squire, and the Prioress
3. Pd 1 do Understanding Characterization sheet.

Pd 5
1. Fishbowl discussion of questions 3-6 p434 Identifying Details and Analyzing Language # 2 a & part of b
HW: Read pp438-443 Eng. Lang. for quiz (7qstns- Notes will help but aren’t required)
HW: Read pp 448-457 The Restoration for 5 qstn quiz from the textbook.

Wed, Nov 26, 2008

Wed, Nov 26

Pds 1,2,4
1. AR rdg
2. Pd 2 Finish reading The Canterbury Tales General Prologue
3. Read about the Knight, the Squire, and the Prioress (nun)

Pd 5
1. Quiz on Paradise Lost and the Temptation of Eve
HW: Finish rdg Temptation of Eve and do questions 3-5 p434 Identifying Details and Analyzing Language # 2 a, b, & c