MON, NOV 30, 2009
Pds 1 & 4
1. AR reading & log
2. Make up work reminders: essays, Medieval Pd Quiz, Vocab Quiz, Silent Rdg at TASK tomorrow.
3. Watch animated Canterbury Tales
Make list of tales viewed:
1. Priest told tale of rooster who dreamed he was attacked by a fox.
2. Knight told tale of (pd 1 only)
Pd 2
1. "Rules of Usage" pretest & discuss: Part 1: apostrophe, comma, semi-colon, colon
HW: Read pp 420-433 for quiz--from Milton’s Paradise Lost: The Temptation of Eve
Answer #2 Syntax: a, b, & c only, in the second column of p 434
Pd 6
1. AR reading & log
2. Speeches require a card with
1] notes from outline of article and
2] article documentation or article itself
3. Speeches presented
Monday, November 30, 2009
WED, NOV 25. 2009
WED, NOV 25. 2009
Pds 1 & 4
1. AR reading & log
2. Quiz Medieval Pd.
3. Watch a Centerbury Tale (pd 1)
Pd 2
1. Hand in answer explanations sheet
2. Finish presentations
3. Sentence diagrams examples and quiz
HW: none
Pd 6
1. AR reading & log
2. Speeches: writing outline to get notes for index card
3. Rubric
Pds 1 & 4
1. AR reading & log
2. Quiz Medieval Pd.
3. Watch a Centerbury Tale (pd 1)
Pd 2
1. Hand in answer explanations sheet
2. Finish presentations
3. Sentence diagrams examples and quiz
HW: none
Pd 6
1. AR reading & log
2. Speeches: writing outline to get notes for index card
3. Rubric
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
TUE, NOV 24, 2009
TUE, NOV 24, 2009
Pds 1 & 4
1. AR rdg & log
Mastery Learning of the Medieval Period
Art: 3 columns, Draw & color
Corrective: Feudalism, Church, Town and related fact for each. Write and illustrate
Enrichment: Write 3 new facts about the Medieval Pd from silver book pp68-75 and illustrate.
Pd 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Quiz on Bible, Milton, “On His Blindness”
3. Hand in homework qstns p417
4. Get multiple choice answers
HW: List the numbers you missed and tell why.
5. Continue presentations Macbeth
Pd 6
1. AR rdg & log
2. Pg 147 “Romance” Read and outline for speech. Know main idea.
3. Get speech rubric.
HW: Prepare your speech presentation from outline and practice to present tomorrow.
Pds 1 & 4
1. AR rdg & log
Mastery Learning of the Medieval Period
Art: 3 columns, Draw & color
Corrective: Feudalism, Church, Town and related fact for each. Write and illustrate
Enrichment: Write 3 new facts about the Medieval Pd from silver book pp68-75 and illustrate.
Pd 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Quiz on Bible, Milton, “On His Blindness”
3. Hand in homework qstns p417
4. Get multiple choice answers
HW: List the numbers you missed and tell why.
5. Continue presentations Macbeth
Pd 6
1. AR rdg & log
2. Pg 147 “Romance” Read and outline for speech. Know main idea.
3. Get speech rubric.
HW: Prepare your speech presentation from outline and practice to present tomorrow.
Monday, November 23, 2009
MON, NOV 23, 2009
Pd s 1 & 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Vocabulary Quiz 1-4, 7-10, 15
Pd 2
1. Quiz on parts of speech & Writing Tip.
2. Write answers to multiple choice test on answer sheet and hand in.
3. Hand in sentence diagrams & discuss
HW: Read for quiz
• pp 394-5 about the King James Bible
• pp 414-16 about John Milton
• p 417 “On His Blindness”
HW: Answer questions 4, 5, and 6 on p 417 in complete sentences
Pd 6
1. AR rdg and log
2. Hand in speech topic and source
3. Speech:
1] Will have all the parts of an essay: Introduction, Body, Conclusion
2] Will be short, around 2 minutes
3] Will require note card(s) with outline of speech
Pd s 1 & 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Vocabulary Quiz 1-4, 7-10, 15
Pd 2
1. Quiz on parts of speech & Writing Tip.
2. Write answers to multiple choice test on answer sheet and hand in.
3. Hand in sentence diagrams & discuss
HW: Read for quiz
• pp 394-5 about the King James Bible
• pp 414-16 about John Milton
• p 417 “On His Blindness”
HW: Answer questions 4, 5, and 6 on p 417 in complete sentences
Pd 6
1. AR rdg and log
2. Hand in speech topic and source
3. Speech:
1] Will have all the parts of an essay: Introduction, Body, Conclusion
2] Will be short, around 2 minutes
3] Will require note card(s) with outline of speech
Friday, November 20, 2009
THU, NOV 19, 2009
Pds 1 & 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Write and discuss Essential Vocabulary 7-10 for a quiz Monday.
3. Period 1: Mastery Learning- Medieval Period. 80% is mastery.
••Corrective: Art: 3 columns, Draw & color Feudalism, Church, Town and one related fact for each.
• The feudal state was based on possession of land. The king was the head of the hierarchy with knights, nobles, and lords as his vassals. Serfs were at the bottom of the system, growing crops and doing the bidding of their lords.
• The Roman Catholic Church unified most of the people of Europe in a common religious faith. It settled disputes among nobles. It was a center for learning. Monks copied, translated, and preserved manuscripts from ancient civilizations. It sponsored the Crusades to take the Holy Lands from the Moslems in the Middle East.
• Towns grew up on major trade routes which developed from the journeys of armies traveling to the Middle East. Serfs left the feudal state to work in the towns for themselves rather than their lords.
••Enrichment: Find 3 new facts about the Medieval Period from the reading on pp 68-75 in Elements of Literature. Is there a connection to the feudal state, the church, or the towns?
Pd 2
1. Hand in “Rules for Style” sheet.
2. Presentations for Macbeth
3. Grades for midquarter
HW: Pg 1273 in text, know the definitions of the 8 parts of speech , a phrase, a clause, and a sentence for a quiz. Look through the highlighted TIPS FOR WRITERS to find a tip you didn’t already know. Be ready to write it on the quiz.
HW: Read Diagramming Sentences handouts. Diagram 1-10 simple sentences. Then try 1-7 of the harder ones.
HW: Multiple Choice Practice Test I
Pd 6
1. AR rdg & log
2. Voc Quiz 1-5, 7-10, 15
3. Speech on article: Find an interesting nonfiction article to present to the class in a short speech. Magazines and newspapers are good sources. The topic should be appropriate for the classroom. Topic is due Monday.
Pds 1 & 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Write and discuss Essential Vocabulary 7-10 for a quiz Monday.
3. Period 1: Mastery Learning- Medieval Period. 80% is mastery.
••Corrective: Art: 3 columns, Draw & color Feudalism, Church, Town and one related fact for each.
• The feudal state was based on possession of land. The king was the head of the hierarchy with knights, nobles, and lords as his vassals. Serfs were at the bottom of the system, growing crops and doing the bidding of their lords.
• The Roman Catholic Church unified most of the people of Europe in a common religious faith. It settled disputes among nobles. It was a center for learning. Monks copied, translated, and preserved manuscripts from ancient civilizations. It sponsored the Crusades to take the Holy Lands from the Moslems in the Middle East.
• Towns grew up on major trade routes which developed from the journeys of armies traveling to the Middle East. Serfs left the feudal state to work in the towns for themselves rather than their lords.
••Enrichment: Find 3 new facts about the Medieval Period from the reading on pp 68-75 in Elements of Literature. Is there a connection to the feudal state, the church, or the towns?
Pd 2
1. Hand in “Rules for Style” sheet.
2. Presentations for Macbeth
3. Grades for midquarter
HW: Pg 1273 in text, know the definitions of the 8 parts of speech , a phrase, a clause, and a sentence for a quiz. Look through the highlighted TIPS FOR WRITERS to find a tip you didn’t already know. Be ready to write it on the quiz.
HW: Read Diagramming Sentences handouts. Diagram 1-10 simple sentences. Then try 1-7 of the harder ones.
HW: Multiple Choice Practice Test I
Pd 6
1. AR rdg & log
2. Voc Quiz 1-5, 7-10, 15
3. Speech on article: Find an interesting nonfiction article to present to the class in a short speech. Magazines and newspapers are good sources. The topic should be appropriate for the classroom. Topic is due Monday.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
WED, NOV 18 , 2009
Pds 1 & 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Hand in essays
• Final draft,
• Rough draft w/corrections in different color, 10 pts
• Outline 5 pts
3. Mastery Learning Medieval Period, Pd 1 only
Art: 3 columns, Draw & Color Corrective: Feudalism, Church, Town and related fact.
Pd 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Hand in Donne:Creative or Critical Responses
Hand in Rdg Record Cards
3. Presentations on Macbeth
HW: Read handout on Style.
1] Write on the back of the “Rules for Style” sheet the 4 most important points for you from pp 66-69.
2] Write what you think is the most important sentence/idea/phrase from each section on the “Rules for Style” sheet.
Pd 6
1. AR rdg & log
2. Hand in essays
• Final draft,
• Rough draft w/corrections in different color, 10 pts
• Outline 5 pts
3. Vocabulary 7-10 learn definition
and review 1-4 & 15 for quiz
Pds 1 & 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Hand in essays
• Final draft,
• Rough draft w/corrections in different color, 10 pts
• Outline 5 pts
3. Mastery Learning Medieval Period, Pd 1 only
Art: 3 columns, Draw & Color Corrective: Feudalism, Church, Town and related fact.
Pd 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Hand in Donne:Creative or Critical Responses
Hand in Rdg Record Cards
3. Presentations on Macbeth
HW: Read handout on Style.
1] Write on the back of the “Rules for Style” sheet the 4 most important points for you from pp 66-69.
2] Write what you think is the most important sentence/idea/phrase from each section on the “Rules for Style” sheet.
Pd 6
1. AR rdg & log
2. Hand in essays
• Final draft,
• Rough draft w/corrections in different color, 10 pts
• Outline 5 pts
3. Vocabulary 7-10 learn definition
and review 1-4 & 15 for quiz
Monday, November 16, 2009
MON, NOV 16, 2009
Pds 1 & 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Pd 1: Show me last 100 words or 1¶ for 10 points
Pd 4 : Café duty
• Final draft,
• Rough draft w/corrections in different color,
• Outline
Pd 2
1. Quiz Donne, "Metaphysical Poetry," 3 poems, and prose
2. Movie to end
HW: Do A or B below.
A. Write the 3 Creative Responses for “The Bait,” “Song,” and “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” from pp 364,365, & 367
B. For Meditation 17, answer questions 5, 6, and 7, all parts, and do the Critical Response p 369.
HW: Write on an index card on any size (but use the same size for all the cards you make) the information listed on the handout you picked up in class (and that is also given below Period 6) for Macbeth and for your summer novel. (I noticed an allusion to Roman generals dying on their swords at the end of the movie. That refers to Brutus and Cassius, who killed themselves after being defeated in battle by Octavius and Mark Anthony as depicted in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.
Pd 6
1. AR rdg and log
2. Show me 5 ¶s or 500 words. If you missed class Friday, show me 4 ¶s or 400 words and I’ll check the last 100 words of the rough draft when you turn in your final draft on Wednesday.
3. Peer editing. Have a student or someone else you trust edit your paper before you do your final draft. They need to sign in a different color & write these comments: + (good), ? (unclear), & more (needs more details), They also tell what your main idea is. You and your editor will get points.
Reading Record Cards
The purpose of this card is to keep fresh in your mind information about books you read recently so you can discuss them on the Open Question for the AP exam in May.
Use any size note card, but use the same size for all your books. If you don't have a card, do it on paper and then glue it to a card. Index cards are 3" x 5", 4 x 6, or 5 x 7. I have all sizes.
1. Title of book
2. Author, Dates of birth and death, Where lived
3. Publication year of the book originally
4. Setting: Place, Time, Current events of that time and place
5. Plot synopsis in 25 words or so
6. Characters, with brief descriptions. Identify protagonist and antagonist.
7. A major symbol or allusion
symbol (something that stands for or suggests something larger and more complex)
allusion (an indirect reference to something in literature, the other arts, history, myths,
8. Distinguishing characteristics of the work (what is different about this work?)
9. Your personal response to the content and style of the work
Pds 1 & 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Pd 1: Show me last 100 words or 1¶ for 10 points
Pd 4 : Café duty
• Final draft,
• Rough draft w/corrections in different color,
• Outline
Pd 2
1. Quiz Donne, "Metaphysical Poetry," 3 poems, and prose
2. Movie to end
HW: Do A or B below.
A. Write the 3 Creative Responses for “The Bait,” “Song,” and “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” from pp 364,365, & 367
B. For Meditation 17, answer questions 5, 6, and 7, all parts, and do the Critical Response p 369.
HW: Write on an index card on any size (but use the same size for all the cards you make) the information listed on the handout you picked up in class (and that is also given below Period 6) for Macbeth and for your summer novel. (I noticed an allusion to Roman generals dying on their swords at the end of the movie. That refers to Brutus and Cassius, who killed themselves after being defeated in battle by Octavius and Mark Anthony as depicted in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.
Pd 6
1. AR rdg and log
2. Show me 5 ¶s or 500 words. If you missed class Friday, show me 4 ¶s or 400 words and I’ll check the last 100 words of the rough draft when you turn in your final draft on Wednesday.
3. Peer editing. Have a student or someone else you trust edit your paper before you do your final draft. They need to sign in a different color & write these comments: + (good), ? (unclear), & more (needs more details), They also tell what your main idea is. You and your editor will get points.
Reading Record Cards
The purpose of this card is to keep fresh in your mind information about books you read recently so you can discuss them on the Open Question for the AP exam in May.
Use any size note card, but use the same size for all your books. If you don't have a card, do it on paper and then glue it to a card. Index cards are 3" x 5", 4 x 6, or 5 x 7. I have all sizes.
1. Title of book
2. Author, Dates of birth and death, Where lived
3. Publication year of the book originally
4. Setting: Place, Time, Current events of that time and place
5. Plot synopsis in 25 words or so
6. Characters, with brief descriptions. Identify protagonist and antagonist.
7. A major symbol or allusion
symbol (something that stands for or suggests something larger and more complex)
allusion (an indirect reference to something in literature, the other arts, history, myths,
8. Distinguishing characteristics of the work (what is different about this work?)
9. Your personal response to the content and style of the work
Thursday, November 12, 2009
THU, NOV 12, 2009
Pd 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. How to write Introduction ¶
3. Show me thesis and outline for 10 pts and 3 ¶s for 10 pts each
HW: Last 2 ¶s due tomorrow, Friday
Pd 2
1. Hand in Macbeth essay: Final draft, Rough draft w/editing corrections, outline, and 3 steps to write thesis
2. Watch Macbeth movie
3. Presentations handed in
HW: If you did not include your 3 steps to write your thesis with your final draft today, bring it in next class. Can’t find it? Rewrite it and hand it in.
HW: Read about John Donne p362-3 and Metaphysical Poetry p363; Read 3 poems, "The Bait" p364,"Song" p365, and “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” p 366-7. Write a favorite line and a line you don’t understand for each poem. Know the answers to the Identifying Details questions for a quiz. Read “Meditation 17” p 368. Know answers to Identifying Facts questions p 369 for a quiz.
Pd 6
1. AR rdg & log
2. How to write a thesis
Pardoner evidence pp 104,122,129
Priest evidence pp 121, 117, lines 89-99 (no description in Prologue)
Literary Analysis Topics: Guidelines are given on the page for the Critical Response. Choose only one.
The Canterbury Tales: p 131 Critical Responses
2] Comparing Storytellers;
3] Evaluating the Tales as Short Stories;
4] Analyzing Character
"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" p146 Critical Response:
3] Analyzing a Romance
3. Show me outline & thesis for 10pts and 200 words for 20 pts
HW: 200 more words (400 total so far) by Friday with 4 quotations circled in your ¶s.
HW: Mon show me all 5 ¶s
Pd 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. How to write Introduction ¶
3. Show me thesis and outline for 10 pts and 3 ¶s for 10 pts each
HW: Last 2 ¶s due tomorrow, Friday
Pd 2
1. Hand in Macbeth essay: Final draft, Rough draft w/editing corrections, outline, and 3 steps to write thesis
2. Watch Macbeth movie
3. Presentations handed in
HW: If you did not include your 3 steps to write your thesis with your final draft today, bring it in next class. Can’t find it? Rewrite it and hand it in.
HW: Read about John Donne p362-3 and Metaphysical Poetry p363; Read 3 poems, "The Bait" p364,"Song" p365, and “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” p 366-7. Write a favorite line and a line you don’t understand for each poem. Know the answers to the Identifying Details questions for a quiz. Read “Meditation 17” p 368. Know answers to Identifying Facts questions p 369 for a quiz.
Pd 6
1. AR rdg & log
2. How to write a thesis
Pardoner evidence pp 104,122,129
Priest evidence pp 121, 117, lines 89-99 (no description in Prologue)
Literary Analysis Topics: Guidelines are given on the page for the Critical Response. Choose only one.
The Canterbury Tales: p 131 Critical Responses
2] Comparing Storytellers;
3] Evaluating the Tales as Short Stories;
4] Analyzing Character
"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" p146 Critical Response:
3] Analyzing a Romance
3. Show me outline & thesis for 10pts and 200 words for 20 pts
HW: 200 more words (400 total so far) by Friday with 4 quotations circled in your ¶s.
HW: Mon show me all 5 ¶s
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
TUE, NOV 10, 2009
Pd 1
1. AR rdg & log
2. Show me thesis and outline for 10 pts and100 words for 10 pts
HW: 200 more words (300 total) due Friday
Pd 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Editing rough drafts
Peer editing required for credit with your rough draft:
1] Sign name or pen name
2] Mark with + ? more
in a different color
3] Tell what they think main idea is
HW: Final draft, rough draft with corrections, editing in different color, and outline DUE THU
HW: Presentations after movie THU
Pd 1
1. AR rdg & log
2. Show me thesis and outline for 10 pts and100 words for 10 pts
HW: 200 more words (300 total) due Friday
Pd 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Editing rough drafts
Peer editing required for credit with your rough draft:
1] Sign name or pen name
2] Mark with + ? more
in a different color
3] Tell what they think main idea is
HW: Final draft, rough draft with corrections, editing in different color, and outline DUE THU
HW: Presentations after movie THU
Monday, November 09, 2009
MON, NOV 9, 2009
Pd 1
1. AR rdg & quizzes
2. Show me thesis & outline expos essay for 10 points
3. Write 100 words due tomorrow
Pd 4
1. AR rdg & quizzes
2. Show me thesis, outline, & one ¶
HW: Write 2 more ¶s for Thur
THESIS: Main idea + subtopic ideas
I learned _________ by/at/from/in (etc) _______, _______, &_______.
I learned about teaching ideas at the Moanalua Conference in an English session, a math session, and the general session.
I. English session
A. Teaching without teaching
B. Can I do it? My answer
Pd 2
1. AR quizzes
2. Quiz on terms
Peer editing
Mark: + ? more
Use a different color
& sign w/pen name
HW: Final draft, rough draft w/ editing, and outline due Thur. Editing tomorrow.
HW: Have presentation passage ready for end of movie.
Pd 6
1. AR rdg and quizzes
2. Writing literary analysis: Body paragraphs
3. Show me outline & thesis
HW: Write 200 words by Thur
Pd 1
1. AR rdg & quizzes
2. Show me thesis & outline expos essay for 10 points
3. Write 100 words due tomorrow
Pd 4
1. AR rdg & quizzes
2. Show me thesis, outline, & one ¶
HW: Write 2 more ¶s for Thur
THESIS: Main idea + subtopic ideas
I learned _________ by/at/from/in (etc) _______, _______, &_______.
I learned about teaching ideas at the Moanalua Conference in an English session, a math session, and the general session.
I. English session
A. Teaching without teaching
B. Can I do it? My answer
Pd 2
1. AR quizzes
2. Quiz on terms
Peer editing
Mark: + ? more
Use a different color
& sign w/pen name
HW: Final draft, rough draft w/ editing, and outline due Thur. Editing tomorrow.
HW: Have presentation passage ready for end of movie.
Pd 6
1. AR rdg and quizzes
2. Writing literary analysis: Body paragraphs
3. Show me outline & thesis
HW: Write 200 words by Thur
Literary Analysis
Written as an example for sophomore English class
Use MLA format, not the format used here. Double space everything and indent paragraphs instead of using block form.
THESIS: Charlie’s entire life was lonely, not only when he was a child, but also when he worked at the bakery, and even after he became a genius.
Introduction Paragraph
1. Attention getting sentence
2. Complete THESIS
Body Paragraphs
I. As a child.
A. Other children
B. His family
II. Workers at the bakery
III. Relationships as a genius
A. Alice
B. Faye
C. Doctor's comments
Conclusion Paragraph:
1. THESIS restated in different words
2. Personal comment
Wilson 1
Pat Wilson
Mrs. Scanlon
English II Period 1
15 December 2003
Loneliness and Love
The average person would love to be a genius. Anyone might change his mind, however, after reading Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. The main character in this novel is a mentally retarded thirty-two-year-old man named Charlie Gordon. After having brain surgery as part of a scientific experiment, his thinking reaches genius level. His life, however, becomes worse instead of better because he cannot get along with other people. Charlie finds that the loneliness he suffered as a child and then as an adult continues and gets even worse after he becomes a genius.
The novel begins with Charlie recalling his childhood as an unhappy one, the beginning of his loneliness. He says no one would be his friend, that his schoolmates made fun of him and sometimes even beat him up. Although he had a family-- a mother, father, and sister, he still felt lonely and sad. His sister lied to her friends: “[Charlie] is not my real brother! He is just a boy we took in because we felt sorry for him” (83). His mother saw Charlie’s mental retardation as a sign that she herself was imperfect, and therefore could not accept Charlie or his handicap. At first she tried to improve his intelligence, but when her second child was born normal, Charlie’s mother gave up on him. She began to mistreat him by beating him for not controlling his bodily functions and then by favoring his sister. Finally she forced her husband to take Charlie to a mental institution.
The second phase of Charlie’s loneliness begins when Charlie grows to be a man, and gets a job cleaning at a bakery. Charlie treats his fellow workers like friends, even though they play tricks on him and laugh at him. He does not know that laughing at someone is different from laughing with them. Later he says he misses “all my friends and the fun we have” (15). But they are the kind of “friends” who get Charlie drunk, tell him to go around the corner to see if it is raining, and then leave. They are not his friends.
After Charlie has surgery on his brain, he expects his life to improve, but loneliness follows him even then. He thinks the other workers will be proud of him for being smart. But they do not know about the surgery, and instead of admiring him, they become hostile and ignore him because he makes them feel stupid. He says, “all of the pleasure is gone because the others resent me.” He is fired from his cleaning job, and even Alice Kinnian, his reading teacher and friend, becomes less friendly when his level of intelligence far exceeds hers. He meets Fay, a free-living artist, and has a relationship with her. Charlie says she is “what I need most of all right now. I’ve been starved for simple human contact” (148). She becomes the only person to keep him from being completely alone. Charlie realizes he was better off when he was retarded because at least then he was not smart enough to know that he had no friends. Charlie’s surgeon says Charlie has lost his faith in his fellow man. It is clear he has.
Charlie’s loneliness is extreme. From his experiences in childhood, to his job at the bakery, to his reincarnation as a genius, he suffers mightily from it. He finally declares that “intelligence and education that hasn’t been tempered by human affection isn’t worth a damn” (173). Soon he finds out that the surgery is wearing off and he will die. But before he deteriorates completely, Alice finds him and refuses to let him be alone. His loneliness is finally over, and Charlie recognizes that in the short time he has left, he and Alice will share more love than “most people find in a lifetime” (205).
641 words in 12 point Times New Roman
Written as an example for sophomore English class
Use MLA format, not the format used here. Double space everything and indent paragraphs instead of using block form.
THESIS: Charlie’s entire life was lonely, not only when he was a child, but also when he worked at the bakery, and even after he became a genius.
Introduction Paragraph
1. Attention getting sentence
2. Complete THESIS
Body Paragraphs
I. As a child.
A. Other children
B. His family
II. Workers at the bakery
III. Relationships as a genius
A. Alice
B. Faye
C. Doctor's comments
Conclusion Paragraph:
1. THESIS restated in different words
2. Personal comment
Wilson 1
Pat Wilson
Mrs. Scanlon
English II Period 1
15 December 2003
Loneliness and Love
The average person would love to be a genius. Anyone might change his mind, however, after reading Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. The main character in this novel is a mentally retarded thirty-two-year-old man named Charlie Gordon. After having brain surgery as part of a scientific experiment, his thinking reaches genius level. His life, however, becomes worse instead of better because he cannot get along with other people. Charlie finds that the loneliness he suffered as a child and then as an adult continues and gets even worse after he becomes a genius.
The novel begins with Charlie recalling his childhood as an unhappy one, the beginning of his loneliness. He says no one would be his friend, that his schoolmates made fun of him and sometimes even beat him up. Although he had a family-- a mother, father, and sister, he still felt lonely and sad. His sister lied to her friends: “[Charlie] is not my real brother! He is just a boy we took in because we felt sorry for him” (83). His mother saw Charlie’s mental retardation as a sign that she herself was imperfect, and therefore could not accept Charlie or his handicap. At first she tried to improve his intelligence, but when her second child was born normal, Charlie’s mother gave up on him. She began to mistreat him by beating him for not controlling his bodily functions and then by favoring his sister. Finally she forced her husband to take Charlie to a mental institution.
The second phase of Charlie’s loneliness begins when Charlie grows to be a man, and gets a job cleaning at a bakery. Charlie treats his fellow workers like friends, even though they play tricks on him and laugh at him. He does not know that laughing at someone is different from laughing with them. Later he says he misses “all my friends and the fun we have” (15). But they are the kind of “friends” who get Charlie drunk, tell him to go around the corner to see if it is raining, and then leave. They are not his friends.
After Charlie has surgery on his brain, he expects his life to improve, but loneliness follows him even then. He thinks the other workers will be proud of him for being smart. But they do not know about the surgery, and instead of admiring him, they become hostile and ignore him because he makes them feel stupid. He says, “all of the pleasure is gone because the others resent me.” He is fired from his cleaning job, and even Alice Kinnian, his reading teacher and friend, becomes less friendly when his level of intelligence far exceeds hers. He meets Fay, a free-living artist, and has a relationship with her. Charlie says she is “what I need most of all right now. I’ve been starved for simple human contact” (148). She becomes the only person to keep him from being completely alone. Charlie realizes he was better off when he was retarded because at least then he was not smart enough to know that he had no friends. Charlie’s surgeon says Charlie has lost his faith in his fellow man. It is clear he has.
Charlie’s loneliness is extreme. From his experiences in childhood, to his job at the bakery, to his reincarnation as a genius, he suffers mightily from it. He finally declares that “intelligence and education that hasn’t been tempered by human affection isn’t worth a damn” (173). Soon he finds out that the surgery is wearing off and he will die. But before he deteriorates completely, Alice finds him and refuses to let him be alone. His loneliness is finally over, and Charlie recognizes that in the short time he has left, he and Alice will share more love than “most people find in a lifetime” (205).
641 words in 12 point Times New Roman
Thursday, November 05, 2009
THU, NOV 5, 2009
Pd 2
1. Show me your 3 ¶s
2. Film
HW: Complete rough draft due Mon for peer editing
HW: Presentations begin when movie is done. Be ready. Give me a copy of your passage and have one for yourself.
HW: Literary Terms sheet for quiz Mon.
Pd 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Finish reviewing essay parts & take quiz
3. Check HW list of 5, hand in
4. Writing essay: outline & thesis
Pd 6
1. AR rdg & log
2. Test on Medieval Pd, Chaucer, & the Canterbury Tales
3. Go over essay assignment.
HW: Write outline and thesis
Pd 2
1. Show me your 3 ¶s
2. Film
HW: Complete rough draft due Mon for peer editing
HW: Presentations begin when movie is done. Be ready. Give me a copy of your passage and have one for yourself.
HW: Literary Terms sheet for quiz Mon.
Pd 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Finish reviewing essay parts & take quiz
3. Check HW list of 5, hand in
4. Writing essay: outline & thesis
Pd 6
1. AR rdg & log
2. Test on Medieval Pd, Chaucer, & the Canterbury Tales
3. Go over essay assignment.
HW: Write outline and thesis
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
WED, Nov 4, 2009
WED, Nov 4
Pd 1
1. AR rdg & log
2. Review handout- Introduction to the Prologue to The Canterbury Tales
3. Quiz on the information reviewed
4. Discuss ¶s & their parts for a 5¶ essay
5. Discuss writing an expository essay about something you learned in the last year. Choose a topic from your brainstorming list or something else you think of. It could be anything in your life--school, job, family, hobbies, friends, experiences, yourself, etc.
HW: Write outline & thesis
Pd 4:
1. AR rdg & log
2. Review handout Introduction to Prologue to Canterbury Tales
3. Quiz on Canterbury Tales
4. Expository essay: Discuss the ¶s and their parts in a 5 ¶ essay.
HW: Write 5 things learned or experienced in the last year. It could be anything in your life--school, job, family, hobbies, friends, experiences, yourself, etc.
Pd 6
1. AR rdg & log
Review for test on Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales.
* Feudalism & Knighthood pp69-70
* Chivalry & Courtly Love p71
* New City Classes p71
* The Crusades p72
* Chaucer :
p84, ¶3 and
p85, column 1, the last 3 ¶s beginning with “Most important…”
* Canterbury Tales p86
* Prologue, lines 1-102 and 122-166, the Knight, the Squire, and the Prioress (nun)
* Be familiar with details about
the Merchant- lines 280-294,
the Franklin- lines 341-370,
the Wife of Bath- lines 455-487,
the Pardoner- lines 689-734 p104, and
the Nun’s Priest- page 121.
* Know the story each one told.
3. Test tomorrow
Pd 1
1. AR rdg & log
2. Review handout- Introduction to the Prologue to The Canterbury Tales
3. Quiz on the information reviewed
4. Discuss ¶s & their parts for a 5¶ essay
5. Discuss writing an expository essay about something you learned in the last year. Choose a topic from your brainstorming list or something else you think of. It could be anything in your life--school, job, family, hobbies, friends, experiences, yourself, etc.
HW: Write outline & thesis
Pd 4:
1. AR rdg & log
2. Review handout Introduction to Prologue to Canterbury Tales
3. Quiz on Canterbury Tales
4. Expository essay: Discuss the ¶s and their parts in a 5 ¶ essay.
HW: Write 5 things learned or experienced in the last year. It could be anything in your life--school, job, family, hobbies, friends, experiences, yourself, etc.
Pd 6
1. AR rdg & log
Review for test on Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales.
* Feudalism & Knighthood pp69-70
* Chivalry & Courtly Love p71
* New City Classes p71
* The Crusades p72
* Chaucer :
p84, ¶3 and
p85, column 1, the last 3 ¶s beginning with “Most important…”
* Canterbury Tales p86
* Prologue, lines 1-102 and 122-166, the Knight, the Squire, and the Prioress (nun)
* Be familiar with details about
the Merchant- lines 280-294,
the Franklin- lines 341-370,
the Wife of Bath- lines 455-487,
the Pardoner- lines 689-734 p104, and
the Nun’s Priest- page 121.
* Know the story each one told.
3. Test tomorrow
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
TUE, Nov 3, 2009
TUE, Nov 3
Pd 1:
1. AR rdg & log
2. Check qstns Canterbury Tales
3. Quiz tomorrow on CT
4. Expository essay: Explain something learned in past year.
TUE Pd 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Show me your outline or freewrite
3. Macbeth outline handout
4. Watch film
HW: 3 ¶s due Thur. on Macbeth essay.
Read handouts for literary analysis.
Pd 1:
1. AR rdg & log
2. Check qstns Canterbury Tales
3. Quiz tomorrow on CT
4. Expository essay: Explain something learned in past year.
TUE Pd 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Show me your outline or freewrite
3. Macbeth outline handout
4. Watch film
HW: 3 ¶s due Thur. on Macbeth essay.
Read handouts for literary analysis.
Monday, November 02, 2009
MON, NOV 2, 2009
Pds 1 & 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Check HW
HW: Pd 1 Read about knight, squire, nun & answer remaining questions.
Pd 2
1. Check steps for 3 ideas for literary analysis essay on Macbeth.
2. Discuss Free Response #4: language & imagery, and hand in.
3. Presentations postponed
4. Film: Macbeth
HW: Write outline of supporting ideas and details for your Macbeth essay. OR freewrite 500 words exploring ideas for your topic & your outline for THU.
Due THU 3 ¶s of your rough draft
Due MON Complete rough draft
Due TUE Final draft, rough draft w/ corrections, outline, and thesis development
Pd 6
1. AR rdg & log
2. Check & hand in HW: chart & 8 questions answered on story.
REVIEW for test on Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales as follows:
* Feudalism & Knighthood pp69-70
* Chivalry & Courtly Love p71
* New City Classes p71
* The Crusades p72
* Chaucer p84, ¶3 & p85, column 1, the last 3 ¶s “Most important…”
* Canterbury Tales p86
* Prologue, lines 1-102 and 122-166, the knight, the squire, and the prioress (nun)
* One distinctive detail about each of these pilgrims:
the Merchant lines280-294,
the Franklin lines341-370,
the Wife of Bath lines455-487,
the Pardoner lines 689-734 p104, and
the Nun’s Priest page 121.
* Know what story each one told.
Pds 1 & 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Check HW
HW: Pd 1 Read about knight, squire, nun & answer remaining questions.
Pd 2
1. Check steps for 3 ideas for literary analysis essay on Macbeth.
2. Discuss Free Response #4: language & imagery, and hand in.
3. Presentations postponed
4. Film: Macbeth
HW: Write outline of supporting ideas and details for your Macbeth essay. OR freewrite 500 words exploring ideas for your topic & your outline for THU.
Due THU 3 ¶s of your rough draft
Due MON Complete rough draft
Due TUE Final draft, rough draft w/ corrections, outline, and thesis development
Pd 6
1. AR rdg & log
2. Check & hand in HW: chart & 8 questions answered on story.
REVIEW for test on Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales as follows:
* Feudalism & Knighthood pp69-70
* Chivalry & Courtly Love p71
* New City Classes p71
* The Crusades p72
* Chaucer p84, ¶3 & p85, column 1, the last 3 ¶s “Most important…”
* Canterbury Tales p86
* Prologue, lines 1-102 and 122-166, the knight, the squire, and the prioress (nun)
* One distinctive detail about each of these pilgrims:
the Merchant lines280-294,
the Franklin lines341-370,
the Wife of Bath lines455-487,
the Pardoner lines 689-734 p104, and
the Nun’s Priest page 121.
* Know what story each one told.
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