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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wed, Mar 31, 2010

Pd 1
1. AR rdg
2. Write response to film so far
3. Read to page 81.

Pd 4
1. AR rdg
2. Watch film to dagger scene
3. Quiz 1 Macbeth

Pd 6
1. AR rdg & log
2. Hand in paraphrase for octave of “On His Blindness.” Listen to all read aloud.
3. Define words and discuss sestet of “Blindness.”
HW: Paraphrase the sestet of Blindness.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tue, Mar 30, 2010

Pd 1
1. AR rdg & log
2. Watch film to dagger scene
3. Quiz 1 Macbeth

Pd 2
1. AR rdg
2. Quiz Charles Dickens p 845 and David Copperfield p 846
3. Discuss Title, Paraphrasing, Connotations for TP-CASTT
HW: Practice for AP exam by writing a 5¶-style essay analyzing one of the 3 poems used with TP-CASTT. Your thesis or main idea should be what you think the poem is saying. Your subtopics will be the literary techniques the author uses that support your idea about his theme. Use literary terms and quotations, as always.
Possible poetry terms:
• Denotation and connotation
• Figurative language:
• Meaning and idea
• Tone
• Musical devices

Monday, March 29, 2010

Mon, Mar 29, 2010

Pds 1&4
1. AR rdg
2. Review Macbeth so far
3. Watch beginning of film

Pd 2
1. Hand in TPCASTTof Duchess, Spring & Fall, & Darkling Thrush
2. Discuss tpcastt analyses for the 3 poems
HW: Read pp 845-857: Charles Dickens & From David Copperfield for quiz

Pd 6
1. AR rdg
2. Hand in paraphrase if separate from poem
3. Define words and discuss “On His Blindness”
HW: On a separate sheet paraphrase the first 8 lines of "On His Blindness."

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thu, Mar 25, 2010

Thu, Mar 25, 2010

Pd 4
1. AR rdg
2. Read Macbeth through the dagger speech

Pd 2
1. Qz on Victorian Era #1,2,4,6 & p771 #s 1-3
2. Discuss for pts TPCASTT ideas for Tennyson's “Break, Break, Break”
3. Read around class “Spring and Fall” p828 and “The Darkling Thrush” p834
4. Read aloud “My Last Duchess” p800 and discuss what you understood.
HW: TPCASTT all 3 poems:
“My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning p800,
“Spring and Fall” by Gerard Manly Hopkins p828 ,
“The Darkling Thrush” by Thomas Hardy p834

Pd 6
1. AR rdg & log
2. Quiz on sonnets
3. Take notes on Milton’s “On Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty-Three”
HW: Paraphrase Milton’s “On Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty-Three” (Say in your own words what you think Milton is saying)

Wed, Mar 24, 2010

Wed, Mar 24, 2010

1. AR rdg
2. Read Macbeth through the dagger speech on p 79.

Pd 4
1. AR rdg
2. Get back Qtr 3 Exam & essays
3. Grade reports
4. Begin Macbeth p73-74.

Pd 6
1. Hand in Macbeth essay homework
2. Cornell notes on sonnets
3. Milton sonnets
4. Grade reports

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tue, Mar 23, 2010

Tue, Mar 23, 2010

Pd 1
1. AR rdg & log
2. Essays returned
3. Grade reports
4. Begin Macbeth p73-74 to Witches

Pd 2
1. AR rdg
2. Hand in essays, revision of up to 1 paragraph, and explanation.
3. Quiz on "Frankenstein”
4. The Victorian Pd handout. Discuss for quiz Thur
6. Tennyson’s “Break, Break, Break” p781, Read and discuss using TPCASTT
HW: Do TP-CASTT for “Break, Break, Break” p781 (See below for explanation. Also search TPCASTT online.)


Title: What predictions can you make from the title? What are your initial thoughts about the poem? What might be the theme of the poem?

Paraphrase: Summarize the poem in your own words.

Connotation: What is the connotative meaning of the poem? Find examples of imagery, metaphors, similes, etc. and elaborate on their connotative meanings.

Attitude: What attitude does the poet have toward the subject of the poem? Find and list examples that illustrate the tone and mood of the poem.

Shift: Is there a shift in the tone/attitude of the poem? Where is the shift? What does the tone shift to?

Title: Revisit the title and explain any new insights it provides to the meaning of the poem.

Theme: What is the overall theme of the poem?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Mon, Mar 22, 2010

Mon, Mar 22, 2010

Pd 1
1. AR rdg & log
2. Get back Qtr 3 Exam and go over answers

Pd 2
1. Hand in and discuss answers to "Frankenstein"
2. Get Jane Eyre essays back
HW: Rewrite no more than one paragraph of your Jane Eyre essay, based on your own evaluation or mine (from comments at the end or corrections in the text.) Don’t correct only trivial errors such as spelling and punctuation.
Tomorrow hand in
1] your essay,
2] your corrected section, and
3] a sheet that tells me...
--A. What is different about your new section,
--B. Why you did it that way, and
--C. What you think of the result.

Pd 4
1. Café duty

Pd 6
Krystle, Kanani, and Kayla, you can come in and get your essays tomorrow if you want a chance to do the HW before grades go in.
1. Get Qtr 3 Exam and Macbeth essays back
HW: Rewrite no more than one paragraph of your Macbeth essay, based on your own evaluation or mine (from comments at the end or corrections in the text.) Don’t correct only trivial errors such as spelling and punctuation.
Wednesday hand in
1] your essay,
2] your corrected section, and
3] a sheet that tells me...
--A. What is different about your new section,
--B. Why you did it that way, and
--C. What you think of the result

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thu, Mar 11, 2010

Thu, Mar 11, 2010

Pds 1 & 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Write ¶ from partner’s sentence,
taken from Writing Connection p 72.

Pd 2
1. Presentations finished
2. Read from Frankenstein p743, Answer qstns 1, 5-8

Pd 6
1. AR rdg & log
2. Uncommon Sense

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wed, Mar 10, 2010

Wed, Mar 10, 2010

Pd 1
Reading Analysis Post Test
Uncommon Sense

Pd 2

Pd 6
1. Hand in Macbeth essay
2. Qtr 3 Exam Macbeth Acts 1-5

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Tue, Mar 9, 2010

Tue, Mar 9, 2010

Pd 4
1. Take Qtr 3 Exam
2. Silent reading or Uncommon Sense game

Pd 6
1. Get Mult Choice 1-10 Macbeth back with answers
2.Take Act 5 Test, check, record score, keep to study for exam
3. Get Acts 3 & 4 back to study. Get Act 2 also. Act 1 returned earlier.
HW: Macbeth essay due Wed

Monday, March 08, 2010

Mon, Mar 8, 2010

Mon, Mar 8, 2010

Pd 1
Qtr 3 Exam

Pd 2
Qtr 3 Exam
Go over answers
HW: Presentations Wed

Pd 4
Review for Qtr 3 Exam

Friday, March 05, 2010

Thu Mar 4, 2010

Thu Mar 4, 2010

Pd 2
1. Hand in Reading Record Cards for Jane Eyre
2. Get review sheet for Qtr 3 exam Monday (attached to bottom of blog)
3. Presentation topics are intended for you and your listeners to consider new ideas about the novel.
Presentations require students to do the following:
1] Immediately before presenting, students hand in their 1-2 minute speech (Sentences, paragraphs, etc) written legibly, preferably printed, on paper.
2] Leader or alternate will begin presentation by reading the group's discussion topic.
3] Each group member will explain his/her part of the question to the class.
4] After presenting, students hand in their index card with notes (no sentences).
Groups will present when called whether all are present or not. Absent members will present later.

Pd 4
1. AR rdg and log
2. Check answers to Reading Analysis of Jane Eyre passage

Pd 6
1. AR rdg and log
2. Take test on Acts 3 and 4
3. Get back Act 2 and go over answers
4. Show me your outline and complete rough draft of >600 words.
Tues: Take Act 5 test, check, and go over Acts 3, 4, 5 answers as time permits
Wed: Paper due and Qtr 3 Exam

Period 2 Exam review:
Literary Work, Element, Period, or Technique
1] Know Authors
2] Pay attention to the introduction in bold print before each work

• Alexander Pope's Rape of the Lock
p532 last ¶ description of mock epic.
Definition of mock epic on p 1266

•Satire definition p1270

• Romantic Pd pp600-604: Political and Economic Changes:
p600 ¶ "Another. . . .England."
p604 last 4 ¶s The Term Romantic: Know its 3 useful meanings.

• Know the typical elements of a medieval Romance:
-an all-good hero,
-an evil enemy,
-a quest,
-a test of the hero,
-supernatural elements,
-good vs. evil
p146 Critical Response. Do the works of the writers of the Romantic period fit any of these elements?

• Article:"Blake's Poems"
William Blake's The Tyger pp620-621 Know first 2 lines from memory
William Blake's 2 Chimney Sweeper poems pp 623 & 625;
Critical Resp: Know the difference in the two poems based on Innocence and Experience.
Be able to relate them to Wordsworth's ideas in Tintern Abbey.

• William Wordsworth's Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey pp 633-637.
-the role of nature in the poem,
-the changes in the poet since first visit, &
-the main idea of the poem.
• William Wordsworth's 3 Lucy poems, pp638-640,
Critical Response: Know one image from each poem and two themes of the group.

• p 646: Know the meaning of a "meditative poem"

• George Gordon (his real name), Lord Byron's Don Juan
p684 Know the kind of poem, the tone, what is being satirized, and what traits, if any, fit the Romantic period.

• John Keats's Bright Star: p 710 Know what the speaker tells the star;
p 711 When I Have Fears: Be able to summarize Keats's feelings when he wrote this sonnet

• Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Wed, Mar 3, 2010

Wed, Mar 3, 2010

Pd 1
1. AR reading and log
2. Review for exam & return work
Milton's 2 sonnets
Six Traits
Vocabulary 1-10, 12, 14, 15

Pd 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Check analysis practice

Pd 6
1. AR rdg and log
2. Act 1 Test returned, take Act 2 Test
3. Show me thesis, outline, 300 words
4. Handout: Literary analysis of Macbeth assignment sheet
HW: Write 300 more words for Thur

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Tue, Mar 2, 2010

Tue, Mar 2, 2010

Pd 1
1. AR reading and log
2. Finish checking analysis practice
3. Review Renaissance for exam

Pd 2
1. AR reading and log
2. Hand in essays
3. Group project J.E. Research & Discussion topics. Divide up your topic and discuss. Each person is responsible for writing what s/he plans to say and turning it in to me before presenting. The presentation should be elucidating for the speaker and the audience. Use a quote, for authority and effort. Also, use a note card for presenting, which you will give to me afterward.
HW: Write a Reading Record Card for Jane Eyre.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Mon, Mar 1, 2010

Mon, Mar 1, 2010

Pd 1
1. AR rdg & QUIZ
2. Check analysis practice

Pd 4
1. AR rdg & QUIZ
2. Analysis practice

Pd 2
1. If you have your essay ready for editing, give it to people to read. Write the legend in top right corner: names of editors, in different colors, & use color for editing marks + ? more. Hand it in tomorrow with final draft and outlines.
HW: Final draft, rough draft, final outline, rough outline due Tues

Pd 6
1. AR rdg and QUIZ
2. Handouts for quoting and writing a thesis statement
HW: Write 300 words for Wed to show me with your thesis statement and outline