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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thu, Mar 31, 2011

Thu, Mar 31, 2011

AP Literature
• AR rdg
• Hand in Pygmalion Rdg Record Card & essay you chose to be graded.
• Quiz on rdg: 20th Century, Conrad, & The Secret Sharer.
• Work on MC Practice Test 3, and check answers.
1) finish MC at home;
2) for each question missed tell why; if you don’t know, write DK. Write on the test
• HW: Finish reading The Secret Sharer.
• HW: AP Exam essay “The Farmer’s Bride” Discuss how the use of language in the poem determines the reader’s response to the speaker and his situation.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tue, Mar 29, 2011

Tue, Mar 29, 2011

AP Literature
• AR rdg postponed to Thur
• Hand in HW on:
-3 poems interpreted
-Macbeth card
-things you want to learn/study for AP exam
• Take MC Practice Test (finish Thur)
• HW: Put Pygmalion Rdg Record Card together (due Thu or Fri)
• Pick one of your essays returned Tues to be graded
• Read 20th Century pp 914: Intro ¶ and first 3 sections: Darwin, War, and Arts
• Read Joseph Conrad 921-3 and write 3 facts b-m-e
• Read The Secret Sharer Part 1 p 925-935 for quiz

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thu, Mar 24, 2011

Thu, Mar 24, 2011

AP Literature
• Get back Macbeth draft & card to put together
• Check HW: Brownings & Houseman and hand in
• Check Pygmalion Rdg Record Card draft & hand in
• HW: Make Rdg Record card for Macbeth
• HW: Read three poems and about their authors (to help you understand their poems). For each of the three poems, do either TPCASTT or a Train of thought that includes inferences: Gerard Manley Hopkins p 827, “Spring and Fall” p828, “Felix Randal” p830, Thomas Hardy p 833, “The Darkling Thrush,” p 834

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

TUE, Mar 22, 2011

TUE, Mar 22, 2011

AP Literature
• AR rdg
• Check Macbeth rdg record card draft for 22 pts & hand in
• Hand in Pygmalion Rdg Rec Card draft
• Discuss questions p 1209 qstns 1-3
• HW: Write all on same sheet. Read:
p798 Robt Browning & write 3 facts, one each fr beginning, middle, & end of life,
p800 “My Last Duchess” & answer qstn 1-3,
p805 “Mtg/Parting”& answer qstn 1-3
p808 Elizabeth Barrett Browning & write any 3 facts of interest
p809 from “Sonnets from the Portuguese” & answer qstns 1-3
p840 John Houseman
p841 “When I Was One and Twenty” & answer 1-3

Monday, March 21, 2011

Mon, Mar 21, 2011

Mon, Mar 21, 2011

AP Literature
• Get back 2 essays & discuss
• Get grades so far
HW: Rdg Record Card draft Pygmalion

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Mon, Mar 7, 2011

Mon, Mar 7, 2011

AP Literature
• Hand in HW
• MC Exam
• Finish HW assigned Fri

Friday, March 04, 2011

Fri, Mar 4, 2011

Fri, Mar 4, 2011

AP Literature
• Quiz Act 5
• Hand in card & draft
• MC Qtr exam Mon
• Do at least one of the following for Monday:
• HW: In Act 4, is Higgins indifferent to the idea of Eliza leaving the house? Defend your opinion with evidence and explanation.
• HW: p 1191 answer 5,6,&8.
• HW: Make draft of rdg record card for Macbeth

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Thu, Mar 3, 2011

Thu, Mar 3, 2011

AP Literature
• Write for 10 mins on one of the following qstns for Act 4 and earlier:
1) How does the play deal with the issue of social class?
2) Does the play suggest that true love is possible and good?
3) “A Romance in 5 Acts” Is it a romance in either the fairy tale or love story sense of the word, or is it a tragedy, or a comedy?
Needs: ideas, evidence, development,and literacy.
• Quiz Act 4
• Discuss sample essays: Scores 3 & 9.
• Check draft of rdg record card out of 23 parts/points (11 #s). Write score & corrections.
• HW: Get a card, complete it for tomorrow & hand in with draft.
• HW: Read Act 5 for quiz

• Discuss sim&diff
• Discuss side comments from TE:
A, B, C, p.1162

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Tue, Mar 1, 2011

Tue, Mar 1, 2011

AP Literature
• AR reading
• Quiz Act 3
• Hand in charts
• Get Rdg Record Card information sheet
• Read aloud, including stage directions
• HW: Read Act 4 for quiz
• HW: Write draft for reading record cards for Jane Eyre