Wednesday, September 27, 2006
1. Hand in Hamlet research project and discuss critics' ideas
2. Watch some of the 1969 Nicol Williamson Hamlet
HOMEWORK due Fri: Bible terms 31-41
HOMEWORK due Fri: Pick favorite line from play to display creatively. Some of the most famous lines are listed starting on p339 in Hamlet book.
HOMEWORK due Fri or Wed: Write a succinct description of what happened in the scene assigned to you.
UPCOMING: Select a scene and present a section of it for the class.
Lines must be memorized. You may work alone or in a group of any size.
We must be able to hear your words and see appropriate movement and emotion.
Introduce your scene with relevant facts. Close with an obvious ending, if only a bow.
FRIDAY: Check multiple choice exam.
Martin, A
Tardy: Rioux, V
Tardy: Snyder, D
1. AR reading 10 mins and log
2. Due today: Initial to show you turned in your essay.
Final draft w/ at least 4 direct quotations
Final outline w/ at least 2 subtopics & at least 2 supporting facts for each subtopic
First outline w/ at least 2 subtopics & at least 2 supporting facts for each subtopic
First draft w/ corrections in a different color
3. Go over Qtr 1 Exam
Acacio, S
Bass, W
Brisley, Z
Cruz, C
Ferrer, M
Haraguchi, A
Ketchen, Wi
Levasseur, J
Marks, K
1. AR reading 10 mins and log
2. Handout on Beowulf Writing Assignment (see Mon 9/25 for assignment)
3. Show me 200 words of your episode.
4. Write 100 more words for 300 total.
5. Grades partially updated and posted
Basa, MA
Bereuda, M
Domingo, J
Gionet, J
Ignacia, J
Neal, D