Thursday, October 18, 2007
PERIOD 2: 1. AR reading
2. 2-Column notes on college essay errors
3. Vocabulary 5 & 8-11
HW: Quiz on vocab 2-11 and essay notes tomorrow, Friday
PERIOD 5: EXAM payment deadline Oct 31
1. Hand in chpt 3 S&S work and p434 qstns 6-14 on Tempt of Eve
2. Quiz on Milton's life, 2 poems, and Tempt of Eve
3. Finish checking grammar quiz. Keep to study for next quiz.
HW: Do Critical Response p437. Read the 3 poems mentioned and write an essay. For planning, make the list described in the instructions. Look at the "Sound and Sense: using common sense advice" handout for help. This will be worth 40 points on your daily grade. Tomorrow you will be writing a similar in-class essay from an AP exam and that one will be one of your major essay grades.
HW due Mon: Diagramming 10 simple sentences.
HW due Mon: p434 Analyzing Language: # 2 Syntax a, b, & c
HW due Mon: Write Reading Record Card for Hamlet. If you read and
understood the novel for AP in summer of 06, write a card for that too.
1. Check Test 1 Section 5
2. Work some of the problems from section 5 test in class demonstration.
HW: Do one more problem from section 5