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Monday, February 04, 2008

Monday, February 4, 2008

Monday, February 4, 2008

PERIODs 1 & 2
1. AR reading , log
2. Macbeth film : Pd 2 only
3. Answer questions 1-10 and Respond to Literature question. Include question in answer. Finish tomorrow.

1. Hand in study qstns ch 21
2. Write on qstn for last chapter read
HW: Read Chs 22-23 Do 2 voc and 2 questions
HW: Copy your 19 vocabulary words and defns from previous papers. Return all tomorrow.

1. Voc Qz 31-38 and 49-50
2. Discuss handouts on the SAT sections and rubric for essay question
HW: Vocab. 31-40