Thu, Jul 31
Pds 1,2,4
1. Alpha seating
2. Fill out st info forms
3. Handout Class Info and parent signature sheet
4. Go over Class info
Pd 5 AP
1. Alpha seating
2. Hand in 2 summer works
3. Bring Eyes tomorrow
4. No IDs and others take AR quizzes (only 2)
HW: Write an essay explaining what you think the meaning is for one of the summer books and why you think so. These will be read aloud in class anonymously and discussed. 20 points
NOTE: "Major" essays are those that take a week or are AP essays written in class. Other writing will be part of the daily grade.
Fri Aug 1
Pds 1,2,4
1. Attendance and learning names
2. Get photos for IDs if not done
Pd 5
1. Attendance, learn names, students get ID’s if not done
2. Hand in homework essays, get handouts: Class Info; Parent Signature; MOA $23
3. Take one AR quiz
4. Terms PreTest 1 and check
5. Eyes postponed till Mon
HW: Write 10 interesting, creative, or unique facts about yourself. Write a 5-question quiz with 3 answers (multiple choice) for each.
Mon, Aug 4
Pds 1 & 2
1. Names & attendance
2. Class Info
Pd 4
1. Café duty fiasco
2. Take Meecher Teacher quiz & hand in
Pd 5
1. Terms quiz 2
2. AR quizzes
3. Check
4. Get back Terms 1 to copy missed words and study
HW: Write what you think is the theme for second summer book and explain why. If you didn’t read it, write on another book you read.
Tue, Aug 5
pd 1,2
1. Names
2. More signatures?
3. Meecher Teacher quiz
Same but check Meecher Teacher
HW: Write 5 interesting, unique, or creative facts about yourself.
1. Terms test III
2. More AR quizzes
3. Get back terms II
4. Hand in essay on second book theme
HW. Study words missed on I and II for quiz. You write defn.
Wed Aug 6
pd1 & 2
Get class set of Gold Globe books from library (pd1 only)
1. Names
2. More signatures?
3. Meecher Teacher check
HW: Write 5 interesting, unique, or creative facts about yourself.
pd 4
1. Names
2. More signatures?
3. Check 5 facts and score
4. Write quiz with 5 facts and 3 multiple choice answers
1. Get books for home from library
2. Go over terms on sheet I to #16.
3. How to cover book & name inside
HW: Study for terms quiz tomorrow