Tue, Jan 13
Pds 1,2
1. New logs & AR reading
2. Get expository essay back.
3. New 6 Traits of Writing handout. Put in binder to replace old one.
4. Discuss strongest trait and weakest trait from essay. Discuss Traits according to importance.
Pd 1: all but Sentence Fluency
Pd 2: all but Sentence Fluency and Word Choice
HW: Rewrite the following sentence in your own words. Use 25 words or less. They will be read in class and one will be chosen as the best.
Pd 5
NHS MEMBERS: Math club urgently needs volunteers for math meet Sat, Jan 24, at Radford from 7:30 to 12:30 or 1:00. Contact Mrs Oka at maria_oka@notes.k12.hi.us THANKS! = ]
1. Seminar book group check: members, title, author, # of pages
2. Rewrite and hand in less than 25 words: The cat jumped from the tree. Class will judge their favorite.
3. Evaluate 5 sample essays on “Evening Hawk”
4. Get sem 2 exam back and review paraphrase of Milton’s “On His Blindness” Return exams
HW: Set 1 Prose: “Leisure is gone”