THU, SEPT 10, 2009
Pd 2
1. AR rdg 10 minutes
2. Check & hand in stream of consciousness thinking for “The Virgins” p1137.
3. Write Critical Response p 1137 and hand in.
4. Handout STAR reports
5. Vote on Shakespeare play
HW: Terms C, D, & E for quiz. SEE BELOW FOR THE LIST TO STUDY.
HW: Read The Passionate Shepherd p 232 & The Nymph’s Reply p 234. Do Creative Response AND Critical Response p 234.
Pd 4
1. AR silent reading 10 minutes and log
2. Get STAR reports and write ZPD range in planner
3. The Anglo Saxon Period: Begin notes.
Pd 6
1. AR rdg and log
2. Quiz Anglo-Saxon Period
3. Read Beowulf aloud
HW: Write thesis (main idea) for essay from p 39 Critical Response #2 Grendel or #3 The Epic ( Christian or pagan?).
Outline (list) 2 or 3 supporting subtopic ideas or facts
Write at least 100 words of the essay tonight.
Essay will be due Monday and need at least 300 words.
CAESURA A pause in a line of poetry dictated by natural speaking rhythm
CANTO A subdivision in a long poem, comparable to a chapter in a book.
COMEDY In general, a story that ends happily.
CONCEIT An elaborate and often surprising comparison between two apparently highly dissimilar things
CONNOTATIONS All the meanings, associations, or emotions that a word suggests.
CONSONANCE The repetition of final consonant sounds after different vowel sounds (made/ wood)
COUPLET Two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme
DENOTATION The dictionary definition of a word
DENOUEMENT The resolution or unraveling of mysteries after the climax in a plot
DEUS EX MACHINA Any artificial device used at the end of a plot to resolve the conflict
DIALECT A way of speaking that is characteristic of a particular region or group of people
DICTION A writer's or speaker's choice of words
DISSONANCE A harsh discordant combination of sounds
ELEGY A poem that mourns the death of a person or the loss of something
EPIC A long narrative poem that relates the great deeds of a larger-than-life hero who embodies the values of a particular society.
EPITHET An adjective or other descriptive phrase that is regularly used to characterize a person, place, or thing.
ESSAY A short piece of nonfiction prose that examines a single subject from a limited point of view.