WED, SEP 23, 2009
1. AR rdg & log
2. Vocabulary 3 & 4: Study, review 1&2, take practice quiz.
THESIS: a statement to be supported
THEME: the meaning, the message, the main idea
3. Beowulf art
• Materials:
- 1 sheet unlined paper
- 3 colors minimum
- “Grendel” handout
• Requirements:
1) Find a quotation from “Grendel.”
2) Write the quotation in big, dark letters with quotation marks across the top of the paper.
3) Draw a picture of the image described (no stick figures).
4) Make the art fill the space.
5) Show effort by using details.
Pd 4
1. AR rdg, log
2. Check questions p 10
3. Test on Beowulf
Pd 6
1. AR rdg, log
2. Quiz pp 89-91 "General Prologue" from The Canterbury Tales
HW: Read pp 91-95 (lines 121-279)