Tue, Feb 23, 2010
Pd 1
1. AR reading and log
2. Hand in essays & initial.
3. Read p 72 Reading Focus & Conflict.
Do Writing Connection and hand in.
Read Macbeth p 73, ¶s 1-2.
Pd 2 1. AR rdg & log
2. Thesis statement of theme:
Did you make it
• arguable and
• universal?
Did you remember the three easy steps to a thesis?
3. Handout 6 pp for help w/ essay
4. Take notes on last essay
5. MC 21-30 J.E. to you, check answers, & give back
6. Show me your 300 words or 14 parts to outline* (see sample outline below)
HW: Write 300 more words or the detailed outline, and show me everything you have so far.
*Thesis: Shakespeare's depiction of the significant women characters in Macbeth suggests that women are evil.
I. Weird sisters
_A. Words
__1. “toil and trouble”
__2. “He shall live a man forbid”
_B. Other characteristics
__1. Presented “killing swine”
__2. Presented as “having beards”
II. Lady Macbeth (done as above)