Thu, 8/26/2010
AP Literature
• Quiz on 3 poems
• Discuss "Nature" & meter
• Hand in Faerie Queene paraphrases .
• Discuss subject, theme, tone, sounds, & figures of speech for the 3 carpe diem poems.
HW: Do critical response p437. See p1237 for help. Focus on answering the main point and use the literary elements to help you. Compare only 2 poems at a time: Coy Mistress to Passionate Shepherd, and Coy Mistress to Virgins. This will be part of your Composition grade.
English 12-Pd 4
• AR rdg
• Discuss writing college/ application essay with handout “It’s Not the Topic that Counts.” Begin with the story (hook) and end with the trait about yourself that you want to emphasize to your audience (college admissions officer, company personnel recruiter, etc.)
• Write 50 words on one of your experiences and hand in. Concentrate on getting your thoughts on paper. You can improve the writing later after you get your ideas.
• Rdg Lit p519 Notes
• Begin presenting “The Patient” p686 Rdg Lit.