Fri, 8/6, 2010
Pds 1,4 Eng12
• Pd 1 name on planner! Checking ID & Planner Mon!
• Any more contact sheets?
• Meecher Teacher Quiz
HW: Write 5 interesting or unusual facts about yourself for 5 points. On a separate sheet, write a multiple choice quiz with 3 answers for each of your 5 questions for 15 points.
HW: Have 4 materials(on p2 of syllabus) and syllabus for points Monday.
AP Literature
• Hand in contact sheets.
• Hand in 5 facts & get back to make quiz.
• Quiz “How to Mark a Book”
• Get books and annotations back.
• Meecher Teacher Quiz
• Reading Analysis: hand in today or Mon.
HW: On a separate sheet, write a multiple choice quiz about yourself with 3 answers for each of 5-10 questions about yourself.
HW: From the handout list of Open Questions, find a topic that fits your novel. Write a thesis proposal that includes a main idea and 2-4 supporting ideas.
• Share quizzes with partner and with class.
HW: Make a list of 3 situations to do for improvisation .