Wed, Oct 27, 2010
English 12 Period 1
• AR rdg 20 mins
• Conventions of Literary Analysis: An academic paper is formal, unlike personal essays such as our college application essay. Formal papers are only about their subject, not about the writer of the essay.
1. Do not say I or me or my or talk about your essay. Talk only about the literature or the author’s techniques using 3rd person: it, he, she, they
2. Contractions are informal. Don’t = Do not. Do not use contractions.
3. Do not use slang, use only standard English. Write man, not guy or dude. Say many, not a bunch or a lot.
AP Literature
• Quiz on Donne’s 4 works. Hand in questions 1-8, with your quiz, afterward.
• Check notes on Big 4. Get back, discuss, and hand in.
• Recitations? No. Due Mon
• Check MC Practice #1 FINISH
• HW: Recite lines Mon
• HW: Read Donne’s life pp362-3. Make a list of 3 facts from his life that correspond in some way to the 4 works we read. Tell how they correspond.
• HW: p363 Read Metaphysical Poetry and summarize the 2 ¶s.
• HW: Read p 417, “On His Blindness” by John Milton, and paraphrase it (not a summary) Look up these words that are used with a meaning different from the most common one: spent, chide, exact (vt: verb transitive), fondly, bidding, post (vt)