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Friday, April 28, 2006

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

PERIODs 1, 3
1. AR rdg
2. Quiz on Ancient Mariner parts 5-7 pg665
3. Hand in favorite line(s), documented
4. Discuss favorite lines
5. Get novel: Jane Eyre
HOMEWORK: Read chapters 1, 2, 3
Afaga, J
Dockins, S
Frank, S
Bass, W
Howell, K

1. SRF
2. Hand in work on Secret Sharer
3. Quiz on Conrad
4. Katherine's lesson on symbol
5. My Fair Lady
HOMEWORK: Finish rdg Secret Sharer pp936 (Part 2) for quiz
DeGuzman, A

Monday, April 17, 2006

PERIODs 1, 3, 4
1. AR rdg
2. Quiz on Ancient Mariner parts 1-4 pg655
3. Check Mariner work 1, 2, 3 (alliteration and internal rhyme, memorize, and opinion)
HOMEWORK: Finish reading Part 5-7 for quiz and write and document favorite line(s)
ABSENT 1,3,4
Afaga, J
Couture, W
Gill, E
Kinimake, J
Lacar, J
Samson, F
Butac, MJ
Dallago, A
Feagai, R
Hubbard, K
Kimbro, S
Pruitt, C
Frisbee, S
Klaiber, G
Livingston, J
Montero, M
Nihipali, B

1. SRF
2. Hand in essay #8 p1210
3. RW & NB on irony; Kat tomorrow, James Thursday, others Friday; be brief, concentrate on mnemonics
4. My Fair Lady
HOMEWORK: Read Joseph Conrad p921 for quiz
HOMEWORK: Read The Secret Sharer pp925-935 (Part 1)
Find two words to define and write sentence found in
Write one question you don't know the answer to
Respond in >50 words to one of these questions:
What causes the air of mystery in this story?
Why does the captain supply a reason for the stranger's crime?
Brundidge, J
Diaz, C

Thursday, April 13, 2006

1. AR rdg
2. Quiz on 3 Wordsworth poems pp 638-640
3. Hand in satire sheets on Byron's Don Juan
4. Read aloud The Rime of the Ancient Mariner pg655
HOMEWORK: Finish reading through Part 4 for quiz
HOMEWORK: 1) Find lines with alliteration and internal rhyme
2) Memorize lines 119-122
3)Write why you think he shot the albatross.
Capacia, J
Klaiber, G
Nihipali, B
Ringgold, D
Samifua, A

1. Check main ideas
2. Laura's lesson on "devices of sound"
3. My Fair Lady
HOMEWORK: Essay p1210 #8 due Monday
HOMEWORK: Lessons on essay terms assigned to begin Tuesday (RW and NB Monday)
Bumanglag, B

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

PERIODs 1, 3
1. AR rdg
2. Quiz on 3 Wordsworth poems pp 638-640
3. Hand in satire sheets on Byron's Don Juan
4. Read aloud The Rime of the Ancient Mariner pg655
HOMEWORK: Finish reading through Part 4 for quiz
HOMEWORK: 1) Find lines with alliteration and internal rhyme
2) Memorize lines 119-122
3)Write why you think he shot the albatross.
McLellan, J
Atangan, D
Beck, F
Castante, H
Dockins, S
Gill, E
Lacar, J
Shannon, M
Watson, J
Hubbard, K
Loeschke, A

1. AR rdg
2. Quiz on Romantic Period and website address
3. Satire in Byron's Don Juan
HOMEWORK: Read 3 Wordsworth poems pp 638-640
HOMEWORK: Finish satire couplets
Capacia, J
Lazo, L

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

PERIODs 1, 3
1. AR rdg
2. Quiz on Romantic Period and website address
3. Satire in Byron's Don Juan
HOMEWORK: Read 3 Wordsworth poems pp 638-640
HOMEWORK: Finish satire couplets
Moody, B
Dockins, S
Lopez, J
Samson, F
McLellan, J
Abapo, V
Howell, K
Hubbard, K
Knudsen, C
Loeschke, A
Orr, J
Roby, S

1. SRF
2. Quiz Epilogue p1201 and Comment p1207 from Pygmalion
3. Watch play
HOMEWORK: Critical response #8 pg1210; Read review and list main ideas for Thurs; essay of 3 ¶'s due Monday
HOMEWORK: Prepare lesson on essay term assigned in class; notes<20 letters; write good quiz question; one term per day
Brundidge, J
Goodman, M
Diaz, C
Warren, J

Monday, April 10, 2006

PERIODs 1, 3, 4
1. AR rdg
2. Hand in dictionary
HOMEWORK: Read the Romantic Pd pp600-610 for quiz
ABSENT 1,3,4
Atangan, D
Dockins, S
Lopez, J
Vanscoy, B
Agrisola, A
Butac, MJ
Feagai, R
Kimbro, S
Klaiber, G
Montero, M
Stogner, J
Capacia, J

1. SRF
1. Quiz Act 5 Pygmalion
2. Discuss AP essay terms from handout
HOMEWORK: Read Epilogue p1201 and Comment p1207
Marasigan, C