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Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008

PERIODs 1 & 2
1. AR reading , log,
2. Period 2 Hand in Art Project
.…Period 1 & 2 Take Voc Quiz # 15 & 16

1. Hand in HW 2 voc & 2 qstns Ch 27-28
2. Quiz chs 27-28
3. Receive & discuss Voc List 1-19. Adjust word or definition to correlate with each other.
…..Example: trodden: to tread or walk = trodden: treaded upon OR trod: to tread or walk
4. Discussion of chapters 27-28
HW: Rd chs 29 & 30. Do 2 voc and 2 qstns
HW: Choose 5 of your 19 vocabulary for a quiz Tuesday

1. Voc Qz 35-42 & 51, 52
2. Tests returned
HW: Voc 43 & 44