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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thursday, February 15, 2007

PERIODs 2 & 4
1. AR reading 10 minutes - New DEADLINE Monday, March 5
2. Read and discuss sonnets by John Milton pp63&64. Answer qstns p66:1&2 (per2) plus3&4(per4)
"On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty-Three" & "On His Blindness" in gold books

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

1. Hand in final drafts of novel analysis--sign that they were received
2. Write positively one thing you appreciate about each student in this class
3. Get book: Jane Eyre
4. Check multiple choice exam
HW: Read chapters 1-3 for Tues. For every chapter, find 2 vocabulary words you don't know but would like to. Write them, the sentence found in, & the appropriate definition. Also for every chapter, write a question you don't know the answer to. "Why" questions are good for this.
HW: Kids Day Story revisions are due Tuesday

1. AR reading 10 minutes - New DEADLINE Monday, March 5
2. Using Chaucer's description of the Prioress, pp159-162 purple book, choose a quotation to draw.
1) Write Prioress or Nun at the top in dark letters.
2) Choose one or more quotations to describe her, write the quote, & draw her like the quote says
3) Grades are based on--
a. Following the steps above
b. Details
c. Color and contrast
d. Fill the space

1. AR reading 10 minutes - New DEADLINE Monday, March 5
2. Quiz Act 4
3. Film through Act 1 (didn't finish)
HW: Read Act 5 for Tues. Copy a quote you like from acts 4 & 5 w/ pg and line.