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Monday, October 26, 2009

MON, OCT 26, 2009


Pd 1
1. AR rdg & log
2. Finish notes on Medieval Pd
3. Quiz on feudal system
4. Quiz tomorrow on Medieval Period

Pd 4
Mrs. Kau, college counselor presentation
1. AR rdg & log
2. Hand in homework Prologue or Chaucer
3. Take notes on Medieval Pd
HW: Finish notes for Medieval Pd for quiz

Pd 2
1. Hand in
* HW 1: Qtr 1 exam answer sheet,
MC explanation for answers, &
Essay score based on rubric with comments on why you think you would get that score. Quote what you did well.
*HW 2: Rubric you wrote for Macbeth Free Response #1 or 3
*HW 3: AP exam-style essay Macbeth Free Response # 3
2. Handouts: 4 pages on 2 sheets
• How To Quote from Shakespeare,
• Notes on Macbeth,
• How to Make a Thesis in 3 Easy Steps,
• How to Quote w/ Sophistication
HW: Read for quiz or writing response
HW: Choose a short quote and a long (= or > 4 lines) quotation from Macbeth. For each quotation write a sentence and blend the quotation into it. Example: First Macduff calls Macbeth a “Hellhound,” and then he sends Macbeth to Hell.
3. Check more MC qstns 1-25 for Macbeth

Pd 6
1. AR rdg and log
2. Hand in HW:
• character + tale,
• Imagery 1-4 pg 131, and
• handout-Characterization
3. Discuss char + tale, writing an essay of literary analysis, Romance and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
-Pardoner-vulgar, low class, dishonest
-Wife of Bath: Likes marriage, men
-Nun’s Priest