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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

1. AR reading
2. Quiz on the Medieval Period
3. Mastery learning
a) Correctives: Draw the 3 conditions of the Medieval Period
b) Enrichment: Write 2 verses of your own ballad

NovaNet in Mac Lab


Reading Record Cards

The purpose of this card is to keep information about books you read recently fresh in your mind so you can discuss them on the Open Question Essay for the AP Exam.

Use any size note card, but use the same size for all your books.
Include the type of information briefly. Example: Protagonist:


1. Title of book
2. Author, Dates of birth and death, Where lived
3. Publication year of the book originally
4. Setting: Place, Time, Current events of that time and place
5. Plot synopsis in 25 words or so
6. Characters, with brief descriptions. Identify protagonist and antagonist.
7. A major symbol or allusion
symbol (something that stands for or suggests something larger and more complex)
allusion (an indirect reference to something in literature, the other arts, history, myths)
8. Distinguishing characteristics of the work (what is different about this work?)
9. Your personal response to the content and style of the work
10. A quotation that is meaningful to you or that is typical for the author. Document so it can be found if needed.
11. What do you think is the theme of this work? Look for a universal idea.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

PERIODs 1 & 2: AR deadline Oct 29 for one book
1. AR reading
2. Finish discussing Medieval Period from purple textbook pp140-1.
3. Discuss Medieval Literature: Ballads p142
4. Read 2 ballads p148-152 Edward, Edward & Lord Randall
HW: Study for quiz on Medieval period: 3 parts + one detail each

EXAM payment deadline Wed. Oct 31
1. Quiz Robinson Crusoe
2. Diagrams p1276 check from demonstration and correct your own
3. Check p434 Syntax a, b, c
4. Seminar discussion of Robinson Crusoe: Why is it so popular? How does Crusoe deal with the emotional problem of solitude?
HW:Read for quizzes "Journal of the Plague Year" p497-503
Gullivers Travels excerpt p507-513
"A Modest Proposal" p518-523
"Satire" p516-517
HW: Find a book to read for AR quiz Tues, Dec 11 & give me the title