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Monday, April 06, 2009

Mon, Apr 6, 2009

Mon, Apr 6

Pds 1,2,4
1. AR rdg
2. Exams returned
3. Composition 3 returned
4. Pd 4 Grade sheet

Pd 5
1. Reading Record Cards: Jane Eyre due Thur, Group novel due Friday
2. Exams returned
3. Essays- Group novel & Jane Eyre Free Response- returned
HW: Two AR quizzes other than the Jane Eyre AR quiz are required for 3rd quarter. 4/7 deadline.
HW: Read for quiz:
20th Century p 914-920,
Joseph Conrad ¶s 1&2 p 921,
Secret Sharer p 925-935 Part I
(Anyone who needs to can make up this quiz on Wednesday after school )