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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thursday, January 24, 2008
"Friday" Schedule

1. AR reading and new log………. Quiz deadline Friday, Feb 1
2. Write about the way each character--Macbeth and Lady Macbeth--reacts to the opportunity for Macbeth to be king. Hand in paper.
3. Movie to the drunken porter opening the door to the castle to two of Duncan's men.

1. AR reading and new log………. Quiz deadline Friday, Feb 1
2. Movie to end of Act I
3. Write about the way each character--Macbeth and Lady Macbeth--reacts to the opportunity for Macbeth to be king. Hand in paper.

1. SRF
2. Quiz Chs 6-10
3. Hand in 5 voc and 5 qstns
HW: Read Chs 11-12; Do 2 voc and 2 questions

1. Practice Vocab. and take Qz #s 45-48
2. Discuss missed qstns from Crit Rdg SAT Sect 1; today #5
HW: Voc 49-50 for Friday quiz