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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tue, Sep 30, 2008

Tue, Sep 30

Pds 1,2,
1. AR rdg & log
2. Animated video
3. Part 2 questions

Pd 5
1. Check outline
2. Check essay scores and discuss
HW: Soliloquies Notes and questions. Front of sheet 1 due Thur,
the rest due Friday.
HW: Hamlet research: Find article and sign up by Friday. Have some alternate articles in case someone else takes your first choice.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Mon, Sep 29, 2008

Mon, Sep 29

Pds 1,2,4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Look over Qtr Exams

Pd 5
1. Quiz Act5
2. Look over Qtr Exam
3. Forgot to compare scores for sample student AP exams; will compare all 5 tomorrow
HW: Outline the play by briefly describing events in each scene: e.g.
Scene 1: Castle guards switch places & ghost appears
Scene 2: etc.
Act 1 has5 scenes
2 has 2
3 has 4
4 has 7
5 has 2
20 scenes in all

Friday, September 26, 2008

Fri, Sep 26, 2008

Fri, Sep 26

Pds 1,2,4,5
1. AR rdg & log

Pd 1
2. Go over answers to qstns p10 on Grendel

Pd 2
2. Handouts of qstns p10 Grendel & text of Part 1. Find answers and hand in.

Pd 4
2. Get books to finish qstns p10 and hand in papers.

Pd 5
2. Quiz on Hamlet Act 4
3. Essay on 2 Eros poems
HW: Read Act 5
HW: Evaluate 5 essays

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thu, Sep 25, 2008

Thu, Sep 25

Pds 1,2
1. AR rdg & log
Pd 1, Check qstns &
listen end of part2

Pd 5
1. AR rdg & log
2. Qtr Exam
HW: Read Hamlet Act 4

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wed, Sep 24, 2008

Wed, Sep 24

Pd 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. First Quarter Exam
3. Read about Beowulf,
Part 2

Pd 5
1. Quiz Act 3
2. Check and discuss qstns
on 2 speeches in Act 1
HW: Exam: Terms & Allusions

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tue, Sep 23, 2008

Tue, Sep 23

Pds 1,2
1. AR rdg & log
2. First Quarter Exam
3. Read about Beowulf, Part 2

Pd 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Review for exam
3. Notes returned to students on 4 Kinds of Writing and on Early British Literature.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Mon, Sep 22, 2008

Mon, Sep 22

Pds 1,2
1. AR rdg, log,& quiz
2. Review for exam

Pd 4
1. AR rdg, log,& quiz
2. Finish Grendel Art and hand in

Pd 5
1. AR quiz
HW: Qstns on 2 speeches from Act 1
HW: Read Act 3
HW: Thursday Exam on Literary Terms & Allusions

Fri, Sep 19, 2008

Fri, Sep 19

Pds 1,2,4
1. Extended AR rdg&log
2. Grendel Art

Pd 5
1. AR rdg & log
2. Quiz on Allusions 21-34 and Hamlet Act 2
3. Read aloud Act 1

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Thu, Sep 18, 2008

Thu, Sep 18

Pd 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Quizzes Early Brit Lit returned
3. Mastery Learning based on quiz scores 22/28= mastery. (11 right out of 14 answers) Do enrichment or corrective.
4. Hand in papers

Pd 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Qstns p10 #s1-10. Write the qstn.
3. Hand in papers.

Pd 5
1. AR rdg & log
2. Quiz on Allusions 1-20 and Hamlet Act 1.
HW: Allusions 21-34
HW: Read Act 2

Wed, Sep 17, 2008

Wed, Sep 17

Pd 1
1. AR rdg & log
2. Quiz on Early British Voices
3. Finish reading Grendel from Beowulf
4. Answer qstns 1-10 p10

Pd 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Qz Thu, Early Brit Voices
3. Finish notes on Anglo Saxon Poetry pp2&3
3. Finish reading Grendel from Beowulf

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tue, Sep 16, 2008

Tue, Sep 16

Pd 1
1. AR rdg & log
2. Get notes on Early British Voices back to study for quiz
3. Read Beowulf aloud

Pd 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Quiz on Early British Voices
3. Read Beowulf aloud

Pd 5
1. Hand in essay with pen name
2. Hand in comment on style
3. Select important words in defns on Allusion handout for 1-20
4. Notes on grammar
5. Read aloud Act I
HW: Read Hamlet Act I
HW: Quiz Allusions 1-20, you give defns

Monday, September 15, 2008

Mon, Sep 15, 2008

Mon, Sep 15

Pds 1,2,4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Pds 1,2 do Writing Connection p4 & hand in.
3. Begin reading aloud Grendel from Beowulf p5
Quiz next class on Early British Voices:
1) Conquest
2) Poetry

Pd 5
1. Quiz on sonnets pp338-346
2. Discuss ways to compare & contrast 2 poems.
3. Discuss Sonnet 75 with TP-CASTT. Look for words, images, etc that stand out. Go beyond the obvious.
4. “Five”-paragraph essay due tomorrow for Critical Response p213.
5. Read about style #s 9-13. Which one is best for you and why?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Fri, Sep 12, 2008

Fri, Sep 12

Pds 1,2,4
1. AR rdg & log
2. PreAssessment Qt1 Reading: Analysis

Pd 5:
Pd 1
1. AR rdg & log
2. Check HW:
TP-CASTT “The Flood-Tide” p213
3. Hand in notes on Style handout and sentence you don’t like from your essay
4. Get back TP-CASTT for Sonnet 75
HW: Due Tues p213 Critical Response-Write a 5¶ essay. Write as much as you can that is not repetitive. Find insights.
HW: Read pp338-346 Shakespeare’s sonnets for a quiz Monday

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thu, Sep 11, 2008

Thu, Sep 11

Pd 2
1. AR rdg & log
3. Cornell notes:
p2&3 Globe:
Early Voices in Brit Lit
Intro-Dark Ages
War and Conquest
1)Celts, pushed N & W by
2)Romans, built roads, left
5)Normans (French)1 king
1. Bards sang poems
2. Druids(priests)taught bards
3. Epics about folk heroes

Pd 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Binder check
1)Class Info Sheet
2)Vocabulary List
3)Happiness article
5)Divider if applies
3. p4 Focus on senses and figurative language
4. Character description
5. Write about hero or villain. Name trait and actions to fit that trait.

Pd 5
1. AR rdg & log
2. Qz Terms T-W & analytic words
3. Hand in Essay Comment sheets
4. Check TP-CASTT & discuss
5. Notes: Avoid just. It’s ambiguous and over used.
HW: TP-CASTT “Flood Tide” p213
HW: Read style handout and take notes
HW. Find a sentence in your essay that you don’t like, write it down, & tell why you don’t like it.

Wed, Sep 10, 2008

Wed, Sep 10

Pd 1
1. AR rdg & log
3. Cornell notes:
p2&3 Globe:
Early Voices in Brit Lit
Intro-Dark Ages
War and Conquest
1)Celts, pushed N & W by
2)Romans, built roads, left
5)Normans (French)1 king
1. Bards sang poems
2. Druids(priests)taught bards
3. Epics about folk heroes

Pd 2
1. AR rdg & log
2 p2&3 Globe:
Early Voices in Brit Lit
Intro-Dark Ages
War and Conquest
1)Celts, pushed N & W by
2)Romans, built roads, left
5)Normans (French)1 king

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Tue, Sep 9, 2008

Tue, Sep 9

Pds 1,2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Binder check
1) Class Info Sheet
2) Vocabulary List
3) Happiness article
4) Binder
5) Divider if it applies
3. p2 Globe: Anglo-Saxon Period
Britain, 5 invasions:
1) Celts, pushed N & W by
2) Romans, built roads, left
3) Anglos,Saxons>England
4) Danes(Vikngs)DaneLaw
5) Normans (French)1 king

Pd 5
1. Hand in storyboards of p201 Faerie Queen
2. Hand in qstn10p211
3. Get&discuss handouts
4. CompNotes #2.Why not write about the reader or us? Wrtg abt author and piece is authoritative.
#4. How to avoid repetition? Use a thesaurus, have someone find your repetition, think of a different word (have a good vocabulary!)
#5. What does redundant mean? Repetitive
HW: Memorize analytical words (10, on handout)
HW: p1272: 7terms, you give defn—TUVW
HW: Hand in Essay Comment sheets
HW: Rd “Sonnet 75” p213 & analyze in note form using TP-CASTT method

Monday, September 08, 2008

Mon, Sep 8, 2008

Mon, Sep 8

Pds 1,2,4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Binder check tomorrow
3. Expository writing is nonfiction. Fiction has a section called exposition, but we write nonfiction essays as expository writing.
4. Voc 4,5,6 and defns.
5. Grade checks to students

Pd 5
1. Terms qz S, I give defn.
2. Hand in writing on 3 poems, carpe diem theme
3. Take C. notes on Comp1. #1 Begin with a hook, an interesting idea related to thesis, but more general. It makes a good impression.
4. Grade checks to students
HW: Draw a storyboard of the events in bold print on page 201, second column. Use 1 or 2sheets of unlined paper divided into 4 quarters. Label the characters and action.
HW: Read stanzas 45-50 & answer #10 on p211.

Fri, Sep 5, 2008

Fri, Sep 5

Pds 1,2,4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Discuss and hand in notes on Happiness article
3. Any late essays?

Pd 5
1. AR rdg & log
2. Hand in paraphrase
3. Get graded essay back and handouts on literary analysis 2 sides
4. Qz on terms Q-R, Spenser, FQ, & “Amoretti”
HW: Read
p232 “Passionate Shepherd,” Marlowe
p385 “To the Virgins,” Herrick
p436 “To His Coy Mistress,” Marvell
Write what makes each one special and unlike the other two.
HW: Terms S(12) I give defn.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Thu, Sep 4, 2008

Thu, Sep 4

Pds 2,4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Take Cornell notes on Happiness article. One point for each bold heading, notes on each (no more than the # of paragraphs), title, heading, and straight line
3. Hand in FINAL DRAFTS stapled to Rough Drafts for college essay.

Pd 5
1. AR rdg & log
2. Hand in p196 Critical Response
3. Quizzes on:Renaissance Poetry and Prose,
P terms, Raleigh, his poem “Nature . . .Milk,” & Poetic Meter.
HW: Terms Q-R (7) You give defn.
HW: Rd pp 198-201. Paraphrase verse 1 of Faerie Queen.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Wed, Sep 3, 2008

Wed, Sep 3

Pd 1
1. AR rdg & log
2. Take 2 column ( Cornell) notes on Happiness article and hand in. One point for each paragraph topic, bold heading, title, and notes components
3. Hand in FINAL DRAFTS stapled to Rough Drafts for college essay. 300-450 words.

Pd. 4
1. AR rdg & log
2. Write or type final draft

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Tues, Sep 2, 2008

Tues, Sep 2

Pds 1, 2
1. AR rdg & log
2. Write or type final draft

Pd 5
1. Check Reading Record Card
2. Check, discuss, and hand in notes on Wyatt, poem, and Petrarchan sonnets.
HW: Review Renaissance Poetry and Prose for the rest of the quiz
HW: Read pp193-5 & write Critical Response ¶ on p196.
HW: Terms - P (10) (I give defn)