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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thu, Apr 29, 2010

Pd 2
1. Get back reading record cards; discuss themes for all 3 works read this year, and Catch 22 and Beloved as summer novels.
2. Get packet about Qstn 3, the Open Topic. Read for the AP exam.
3. Get last year’s AP Exam Qstn 3 to write, due Monday. Use Macbeth or one of the other books that has a reading record card. Time yourself to see what you can do in 40 minutes.
4. Get back "Flame-Heart" essays. Talk about “working the prompt” and notating the passage.
HW: Write the Qstn 3 Essay on a symbol. Time yourself.
"A symbol is an object, action, or event that represents something or that creates a range of associations beyond itself. In literary works a symbol can express an idea, clarify meaning, or enlarge literal meaning.

Select a novel or play and, focusing on one symbol, write an essay analyzing how that symbol functions in the work and what it reveals about the characters or themes of the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot."

Pd 4
1. AR rdg
2. STAR for absent students
3. Show me 200 more words for 400 total.

Pd 6
1. AR rdg
2. Show me 200 words of your essay
HW: Write 200 more words for Monday

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wed, Apr 28, 2010

Pd 1
1. AR rdg and STAR for absentees
2. Show me 200 more words

Pd 4
1. AR rdg and STAR for absentees
2. Show me 200 words

Pd 6
1. AR rdg and STAR for absentees
2. Clarification of assignment topics and procedures
3. Show me thesis and outline
HW: Write 200 words for tomorrow

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tue, Apr 27, 2010

Pd 1
1. AR rdg
2. Write 200 words and show me for 20 points

Pd 2
1. AR rdg
2. Hand in essay J.E. & Pygmalion
3. Discuss complexity and conflict in AP exam essays
4. Essay Flame Heart
HW: Write Reading Record Card* for Pygmalion

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mon, Apr 26, 2010

Pds 1 & 4
1. AR rdg
2. Get progress report
3. Check thesis & outline
4. How to write Intro & Body ¶
5. 250 words to write per day for the next 2 class days. Essay due Monday.

Pd 2
1. Get Qstn 1 Wolsey & Henry VIII
Plan and write introduction containing thesis in 15 minutes.
2. Get STAR scores
HW: Due tomorrow: Jane Eyre & Pygmalion Final draft, rough draft, rough outline, & final outline.

Pd 6
1. AR rdg.
2. STAR scores and progress reports
3. Discuss essay topics
1] Journal of Plague Year: Critical Response # 3, p 504
2] “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” p642-3 and “The Solitary Reaper” p645: Critical Response: Comparing Poems, p646
3] Analyze using TP-CASTT one of the three Lucy poems, pp 638, 39, 40. Thesis is the author’s central meaning based on his title, what happens, connotations of his imagery and figurative language, author’s attitude, any shifts, and anything else the author may do to convey his meaning.
HW: Pick a work to write about, write your main idea and 3 ideas that support it. Make an outline of body ¶s with 3 details of evidence for each subtopic idea. I, A,B,C; II, A,B,C; III, A,B,C

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thu, Apr 22, 2010

1. Hand in Qstn 1 essay Sir Walter Elliot
2. Get with editing partner to comment on essay
3. Writing conference: Sade
4. STAR test
HW: Final drafts due Tuesday

1. STAR test
2. Show me thesis and outline of persuasive essay
3. Write body ¶s
HW: Check work done

1. AR rdg
2. Discuss questions 1-6 p 615 on "To a Mouse"
HW: Read 4 poems by William Wordsworth, pp638, 639, 640 & 642-3
Three "Lucy poems" and "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wed, Apr 21, 2010

Pd 1
1. STAR test
2. Show me thesis (4pts) & outline (8pts)
3. Write body ¶s
HW: Thesis & outline due Monday

Pd 4
1. AR rdg
2. Start persuasive essay writing: Choose topic, make For and Against chart, write thesis, write outline

Pd 6
1. Socratic Seminar on "Modest Proposal"
2. STAR test
HW: Read “To a Mouse” p 613 and answer questions 1-6 on p 615

Tue, Apr 20, 2010

Pd 1
1. AR rdg
2. Start persuasive essay writing: Choose topic, make For and Against chart, write thesis, write outline

Pd 2
1. AR rdg
2. Show me your 600 words or 400+thesis & outline
3. Writing conferences: Afton, Monica, Ashley Randle
HW: Bring edited draft to share Thursday
HW: Finish Qstn 1

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mon, Apr 19,2010

Pds 1& 4
1. AR rdg
2. Review voc 11 & 13
3. Persuasive essay

Pd 2
1. Show me your 200 words
2. Page 3 Advice for AP essays
HW: JE/Pyg essay Write last 200 words or thesis and outline. You should have at least 600 words and thesis plus outline to show me tomorrow.

Pd 6
1. AR rdg.
2. Review voc 11, 13 & quiz
HW: Quiz 9-23 tomorrow

Friday, April 16, 2010

Fri, Apr 16, 2010

Pds 1,4
1. AR rdg
2. Vocabulary 11 & 13
3. Voc. Quiz 9-23

Pd 2
1. Hand in MC corrections
2. Show me thesis or 200 words of Pygmalion/J.E. essay.
3. Pg 2 of advice for AP essay
4. Discuss Qstn 1 essay: Searching, planning, outlining, order of ¶s
HW: 200 words for either the Qstn 1 essay or JE/Pyg

Pd 6
1. AR rdg
2. Finish questions in groups
3. Vocabulary 11 & 13
HW: Have questions 1-11 p 524 for "A Modest Proposal"answered by Monday

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thu, Apr 15, 2010

Pd 2
1. Check 200 word freewrite
2. Get back your MC 28-56 and answers to do corrections
3. Hand in quotation evidence for Qst 1: 3 terms. Read some aloud.
4. Get handout of advice for writing essays for AP exam. Read aloud and discuss page 1. Bring to class every day until finished rdg.
5. Together write introduction to Qstn 1, then first body ¶.
HW: MC corrections
HW: For J.E./ Pymalion essay, either write your thesis or freewrite 200 more words.

Pd 4
1. AR rdg
2. Art: Quotation from Macbeth, documented with page number
Include: Speaker, Occasion, Attitude
Use color, contrast b&w, fill page

Pd 6
1. AR rdg
2. Quiz on Modest Proposal
3. Groups to answer questions

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wed, Apr 14, 2010

Pd 1
1. AR rdg
2. Art: Quotation from Macbeth, documented with page number
Include: Speaker, Occasion, Attitude
Use color, contrast b&w, fill page

Pd 4
1. AR rdg
2. Review Macbeth questions pp90-1
3. Test

1. AR rdg
2. Read “A Modest Proposal” aloud p518

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tue, Apr 13, 2010

Pd 1
1. AR rdg
2. Finish questions p91
3. Test on Macbeth
4. Art: Quotation, documented with page number
Pick a quotation from a character in Macbeth pp 73-88.
Illustrate the quotation using...
-contrast from black to white,
-objects suitable for the quotation,
-filling the page, but...
Also state the following on your paper:
• Speaker, person who says the lines.
• Occasion, what is happening,
• Attitude, feelings of the speaker

Pd 2
1. AR rdg
2. Check similarities & differences for Jane Eyre and Pygmalion
3. Hand in 6 Traits quiz & your answers to the 2 questions about your writing
4. Continue essay Qst 1: Discuss syntax, handout: loose & periodic sentences, parallel structure
HW: For essay Qst 1, with
Main idea: How the speaker's attitude is revealed by
1] details,
2] diction,
3] syntax:
For each of the three terms above, find one quotation from the passage as an example that reveals the speaker's attitude toward Sir Walter Elliot. Possible attitudes discussed are formal, critical, objective. You may think of a different one.
HW: For any literary aspect that interests you in Jane Eyre or Pygmalion, i.e. characterization, setting, theme, symbol, style, etc.(see past handouts), freewrite 200 words exploring and comparing that aspect in both works.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Mon, Apr 12, 2010

Pd 1
1. AR rdg
2. Discuss questions p 91

Pd 4
1. AR rdg
2. Discuss questions p 90 -1

Pd 2
1. Quiz Epilogue to Pygmalion
2. Quiz Six Traits Plus 1 of writing
3. Hand in HW on MC Test 2: 28-56 to explain the ones you missed
4. Hand in HW questions 1-7 p1209 The Play as a Whole
HW: On your Six Traits Quiz, answer these questions:
1] What do you want to know about your writing?
2] What do you want to improve?
HW: Begin major essay : Comparison of Jane Eyre and Pygmalion.
List similarities and differences

Pd 6
1. AR rdg
2. Quiz on p555 Introduction to Dictionary of the English Language and check
3. Give examples of funny definitions.
4. Hand in 3 words and definitions.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Fri, Apr 9, 2010

Pd 1
1. AR rdg
2. Finish film
3. Questions, all

Pd 4
1. AR rdg
2. Finish film
3. Questions 1-3

Pd 2
1. Quiz Act 5
2. Hand in MC 29-56
Get back 1-28 & answers
Hand in questions 9, 10, 11 p1209
3. Practice Essay Qstn #1 discussed in class: Sir Walter Kellynch
HW: MC 1-28 Write about questions missed, show you understood answer.
HW: Read Epilogue p1201-1208, Answer 1-7, p 1209 on “The Play as a Whole”

Pd 6
1. AR rdg in library
HW: Read “Dictionary of the English Language” pp 555-8.
• Quiz Monday on p 555.
• From dictionary, find & write:
-1 word & definition the same as today
-1 word & definition differ- en t from today
-1 word & definition you think is funny
2. Restoration & 18th Century:
From ornate language of the past to plainer language of science and logic;
Focus on nonfiction: Journal & Dictionary
3. Romantic Period:
30 years long;
Turn to intuition and idealism rather than logic & reality.
4. Read “To a Mouse”p613.
HW: Read again for quiz.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Thu, Apr 8, 2010

Pd 2
1. Quiz Acts 3 & 4
2. Hand in MC Practice Test 2: #1-28
3. Read Act 5 aloud
HW: Finish reading Act 5 and answer questions 9,10,11 on p 1209
HW: MC Practice Test 2: #29-55

Pd 4
1. AR rdg
2. Review
3. Watch film

Pd 6
1. AR rdg & log
2. Quiz “Journal of the Plague Year”
3. Discuss questions at end.
HW: Write: How are the themes of Milton’s two sonnets similar? How are they different? What can you infer about what Milton is saying in the two poems?

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Wed, Apr 7, 2010

Pds 1 & 4
1. AR rdg
2. Review
3. Watch film

Pd 6
1. AR rdg
2. Check HW
3. Discuss 5 styles
HW: Read "A Journal of the Plague Year" p497-503

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Tue, Apr 6, 2010

Tue, Apr 6

Pd 1
1. AR rdg & log
2. Review
3. Watch film

Pd 2
1. AR rdg
2. Quiz on Act 2
3. Discussion
HW: Read Acts 3 & 4
HW: Do Mult Choice 1-28 Practice Test 2

Monday, April 05, 2010

Mon, Apr 5, 2010

Pds 1 & 4
1. AR rdg & Quizzes
2. Read Macbeth

Pd 2
1. Quiz on Pygmalion readings
2. AR quizzes
3. Discuss Pygmalion questions
HW: Read Act 2

Pd 6
1. AR rdg & quizzes
2. Quiz Robinson Crusoe
3. Review sonnets for test. Pass back work on sonnets.
HW: Read pp438-443.
1]Write the most important idea from each of the first three sections, The First…, The Battle…, and What is Style?
2]For the five styles in the last section on Style, write your own 2 examples showing the difference in each of the five. For example, if the style consists of beginning sentences 1) with the subject or 2) not with the subject, you could use these examples:
With subject: John saw a deer.
Not With subject: In the forest John has seen many deer.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Thu, Apr 1, 2010

Pd 2
1. Hand in essay on one poem from the Victorian period.
2. Write in-class AP exam essay Open Question on Macbeth
3. Read Act 1 of Pygmalion aloud.
HW: Read for quiz:
p 1148 Introduction ¶ to Preface
p 1151, column 2, ¶s 2 & 3, beginning “I wish…” and ending “…ridiculous.”
pp 1152-1158 Act 1

Pd 4
2. Write response to film so far
3. Read to page 83.

Pd 6
2. Hand in paraphrase of sestet (solution) for “Blindness.”
3. Work on chart comparing the two sonnets with respect to their problems and solutions, giving textual evidence for each part.
HW: Read From Robinson Crusoe
p 483-495 for quiz Mon.