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Thursday, May 05, 2011

Thu, May 5, 2011

Thu, May 5, 2011

• Memorization practice: "Set your heart at rest..."
a) I start line, you finish
b) All say in unison
c) One reads passage, someone pantomimes
• Video
• HW: Read Act 3 Scene 1 for a quiz.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Tue, May 3, 2011

Tue, May 3, 2011

AP Literature
• Get Rdg Record Cards to review for AP Exam.
• Hand in MC questions for 2 Restoration prose selections and your MC Test 4, if you finished checking.
• Take MC Test 5, and check selection 1, 2, and 4. Get answers and finish selection 3 and check. Turn in Friday.
• HW: Review Rdg Record Cards.
• HW: Get a good night's sleep this week and eat a good breakfast.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Fri, April 29, 2011

Fri, April 29, 2011

AP Literature
• Hand in essay #1 Practice Test 4.
• Questions 28-41 and check from MC Practice Test 4
• HW: Essay #3 for Pract Test 4 due Mon
• HW: Write 1 MC qstn from first page of Robinson Crusoe, using categories from handout.

• Hand in homework
• Practice memory passage
• Read aloud 2.2. up to pg 2, col 1,Lysander

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thu, April 28, 2011

Thu, April 28, 2011

AP Literature
• Hand in your MC qstns for "Strange Fits of Passion."
• MC Practice Test 4, read next passage and answer qstns 13-27. Check answers.
• HW: Write explanations near the qstn for three you missed.
• HW: Essay # 1 for Pract Test 4 due Fri (or Mon)
• HW: Essay # 3 for Pract Test 4 due Mon

• Choral reading of memory passage
• Student Directors arrange scene with Puck, Lysander, and Hermia
• Watch 1.1 of video.
• HW: Read 2.2.1-163, Practice memorization, & Writing about dreams: Describe a weird dream you have had. Did this dream become useful or predictive in your life? Could you relate the dream to anything that happened in your life?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

DRAMA CLASS: Mon & Wed, April 25 & 27, 2011

Mon & Wed, April 25 & 27, 2011


MON 4/25
• Hand in HW paraphrase of 2.1. 124-140 Titania: “Set your heart at rest”
• Quiz on lines 2.1.124-276

WED 4/27
• Handouts:
--Calendar of lessons,
--copy of memorization speech, &
--2.2. 1-163 script
• Review memory speech paraphrase
• Subtext- single, partner, & 2 scenes from play.

Tue, April 26, 2011

Tue, April 26, 2011

AP Literature
• AR rdg
• At the top of your questions for “Last Duchess” write the categories of the qstns used so far. Use 2 different categories in tonight’s homework.
• Listen to first student-made MC questions, write answers you choose, & discuss. Hand in.
HW: Write 2 more MC qstns for “Strange Fits of Passion” on p 638.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thu, April 21, 2011

Thu, April 21, 2011

AP Literature
• Hand in your annotations on essays 1,2,3 from Practice Test 3.
• Copy list of kinds of MC qstns used for poems on the AP exam: dramatic situation, structure, theme, grammar and meaning of words, images and figures of speech, important single words, tone, literary devices (metaphor, simile, personification), & prosody (rhyme, meter, sound effects).
• 1-12 MC Practice Test 4 & check.
• HW: Write how you missed the qstns you missed in 1-12 MC Practice Test 4.
• HW: From list above, write 1 MC qstn w/ 5 answers A-E for Shakespeare's Sonnet 130 p 346.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wed, Apr 20, 2011

Wed, Apr 20, 2011

AP Literature
• AR rdg
• Hand in essay on Open Qstn 3
• Review periodic and loose sentences, where in sentence to place something to emphasize it, sentence parts, clauses (2 kinds & 2 names each), predicate= verb + object + modifiers. Write what you remember about this discussion.
• MC Test 3 answers finished
• HW: Read handout for essays 1,2,3 to find and annotate the following on the handout:
1) something graders look for that you remember doing in your essay.
2) in the student essays: insight, words that you like, etc.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Mon, April 18, 2011

Mon, April 18, 2011

AP Literature
• Hand in essay on style.
• Quiz on Sentences (from Elements of Style pp 32-33 and pp 92, 93, 25-6), check and hand in
• HW: Write essay #3 from Practice Test 3.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wed, Apr 13, 2011

Wed, Apr 13, 2011

AP Literature
• AR rdg
• Hand in ¶ on Primary Sources p 955.
• Write title & hand in 1-9 analysis of words, sentences from p 1229. Rate 1-10 (10 highest) whether this was beneficial to you.
• Hand in essay #2 on Pract Test 3
• HW: Read the style essay on p1230. Outline the parts of the intro, body, and conclusion ¶'s.
• HW: Analyze a work you like the style of. Write a proposed thesis and outline of supporting arguments for an essay of style analysis like the one on p 1230.
• Discuss HW
• Discuss MC Pract Test 3 to #32.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Mon, April 11, 2011

Mon, April 11, 2011

AP Literature
• Quiz on "Sredni Vashtar."
• Hand in 3 facts on Saki & p1101 Free verse 1-4. Discuss.
• Continue MC Test 3 discussion of answers
• HW: Read Primary Sources p955. Write a ¶ about its effects on your understanding of Saki's story.
• HW: Due Tues- Choose a passage from a different author you like in the textbook. Document the location and answer 1-9 on p1229 for words and sentences.
• HW: Write # 2 AP exam essay from practice test 3 on Vanity Fair.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Fri, Apr 8, 2011

Fri, Apr 8, 2011

AP Literature
• Quiz on Lawrence, Rocking Horse, Primary Sources, and The Snake.
• Check the 2 train of thought writings for the Don't Knows on the MC Test 3 & hand in.
• Hand in Style p1229 Words 1-5 examples missing last class.
• Continue discussing MC Test 3 up to # 7?
• HW: p1101 do Free Verse 1-4
• HW: Read p950: Hector Hugh Munro (Saki) and write 3 b-m-e notes.
Read p951-4 "Sredni Vashtar."
• HW: Due Tues- Choose a passage from a different author of prose you like from the textbook. Document the location and answer 1-5 again.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Wed, Apr 6, 2011

Wed, Apr 6, 2011

AP Literature
• AR rdg
• Quiz James Joyce, Portrait...," & Stream of Consciousness
• Check Style homework p1229
• Continue MC Test 3 Count how many DKs.
• HW: Read D.H. Lawrence p971, "The Rocking Horse Winner" p973, and Primary Sources p982, & "The Snake" p 1099
• HW: MC Test 3 Train of thought for 2 of your DK’s
HW: Add examples to your Style homework we checked Wednesday if you didn't do so originally.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Mon, Apr 4, 2011

Mon, Apr 4, 2011

AP Literature
• Hand in Critical or Creative Response & notes on Charles Dickens
• Quiz David Copperfield
• MC Test3 returned.
• HW: Explain more MC errors.
• HW: Read "Analyzing Style" p 1229. Choose a passage from The Secret Sharer, following the instructions in the first sentence under Prewriting. Write the pg #, column # & ¶ #'s of your passage. Answer qstns 1-5 p 1229 about the WORDS in the passage.
• HW: Read James Joyce pg 956 -, “Portrait of the Artist...” p 966 -, and “Stream of Consciousness” p969 .

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thu, Mar 31, 2011

Thu, Mar 31, 2011

AP Literature
• AR rdg
• Hand in Pygmalion Rdg Record Card & essay you chose to be graded.
• Quiz on rdg: 20th Century, Conrad, & The Secret Sharer.
• Work on MC Practice Test 3, and check answers.
1) finish MC at home;
2) for each question missed tell why; if you don’t know, write DK. Write on the test
• HW: Finish reading The Secret Sharer.
• HW: AP Exam essay “The Farmer’s Bride” Discuss how the use of language in the poem determines the reader’s response to the speaker and his situation.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tue, Mar 29, 2011

Tue, Mar 29, 2011

AP Literature
• AR rdg postponed to Thur
• Hand in HW on:
-3 poems interpreted
-Macbeth card
-things you want to learn/study for AP exam
• Take MC Practice Test (finish Thur)
• HW: Put Pygmalion Rdg Record Card together (due Thu or Fri)
• Pick one of your essays returned Tues to be graded
• Read 20th Century pp 914: Intro ¶ and first 3 sections: Darwin, War, and Arts
• Read Joseph Conrad 921-3 and write 3 facts b-m-e
• Read The Secret Sharer Part 1 p 925-935 for quiz

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thu, Mar 24, 2011

Thu, Mar 24, 2011

AP Literature
• Get back Macbeth draft & card to put together
• Check HW: Brownings & Houseman and hand in
• Check Pygmalion Rdg Record Card draft & hand in
• HW: Make Rdg Record card for Macbeth
• HW: Read three poems and about their authors (to help you understand their poems). For each of the three poems, do either TPCASTT or a Train of thought that includes inferences: Gerard Manley Hopkins p 827, “Spring and Fall” p828, “Felix Randal” p830, Thomas Hardy p 833, “The Darkling Thrush,” p 834

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

TUE, Mar 22, 2011

TUE, Mar 22, 2011

AP Literature
• AR rdg
• Check Macbeth rdg record card draft for 22 pts & hand in
• Hand in Pygmalion Rdg Rec Card draft
• Discuss questions p 1209 qstns 1-3
• HW: Write all on same sheet. Read:
p798 Robt Browning & write 3 facts, one each fr beginning, middle, & end of life,
p800 “My Last Duchess” & answer qstn 1-3,
p805 “Mtg/Parting”& answer qstn 1-3
p808 Elizabeth Barrett Browning & write any 3 facts of interest
p809 from “Sonnets from the Portuguese” & answer qstns 1-3
p840 John Houseman
p841 “When I Was One and Twenty” & answer 1-3

Monday, March 21, 2011

Mon, Mar 21, 2011

Mon, Mar 21, 2011

AP Literature
• Get back 2 essays & discuss
• Get grades so far
HW: Rdg Record Card draft Pygmalion

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Mon, Mar 7, 2011

Mon, Mar 7, 2011

AP Literature
• Hand in HW
• MC Exam
• Finish HW assigned Fri

Friday, March 04, 2011

Fri, Mar 4, 2011

Fri, Mar 4, 2011

AP Literature
• Quiz Act 5
• Hand in card & draft
• MC Qtr exam Mon
• Do at least one of the following for Monday:
• HW: In Act 4, is Higgins indifferent to the idea of Eliza leaving the house? Defend your opinion with evidence and explanation.
• HW: p 1191 answer 5,6,&8.
• HW: Make draft of rdg record card for Macbeth

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Thu, Mar 3, 2011

Thu, Mar 3, 2011

AP Literature
• Write for 10 mins on one of the following qstns for Act 4 and earlier:
1) How does the play deal with the issue of social class?
2) Does the play suggest that true love is possible and good?
3) “A Romance in 5 Acts” Is it a romance in either the fairy tale or love story sense of the word, or is it a tragedy, or a comedy?
Needs: ideas, evidence, development,and literacy.
• Quiz Act 4
• Discuss sample essays: Scores 3 & 9.
• Check draft of rdg record card out of 23 parts/points (11 #s). Write score & corrections.
• HW: Get a card, complete it for tomorrow & hand in with draft.
• HW: Read Act 5 for quiz

• Discuss sim&diff
• Discuss side comments from TE:
A, B, C, p.1162

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Tue, Mar 1, 2011

Tue, Mar 1, 2011

AP Literature
• AR reading
• Quiz Act 3
• Hand in charts
• Get Rdg Record Card information sheet
• Read aloud, including stage directions
• HW: Read Act 4 for quiz
• HW: Write draft for reading record cards for Jane Eyre

Monday, February 28, 2011

Mon, Feb 28, 2011

Mon, Feb 28, 2011

AP Literature
• Check questions p 1158 (5&6) & 1173 (6-11) and go over answers.
• Quiz Act 2 Pymalion
• Read aloud w/ new readers, stressing stage directions
• HW: Read Act 3 for quiz
• HW: Make a chart of similarities and differences between Eliza Doolittle and Jane Eyre. Include things like dates, literary periods, authors, genres, setting, characters, and plot.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Fri, Feb 25, 2011

Fri, Feb 25, 2011

English 12 Period 1
• AR rdg
• New version MB graphic read aloud in class

English 12 Period 4
• AR rdg 10 mins
• Finish answering 1-10 p90

AP Literature
• Hand in essay:
Final draft,
Rough draft,
Final outline,
Rough outline, and
3-part thesis.
• Hand in 2 scored sample essays, Wolsey
• Quiz Act 1 Pygmalion
• Continue reading Act 2 aloud
• HW: Finish reading Act 2
Answer #s 5 & 6 on pg 1158 & 6-11 pg 1173

• Rehearse
• Practice lines

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thu, Feb 24, 2011

Thu, Feb 24, 2011

AP Literature
• Get back old papers for writing help
• Have students peer edit. Write editor names in upper right margin of your draft.
• Check score for Wolsey sample. Discuss scores given for what reasons.
• Read Pygmalion aloud to the end of pg 1160.
• Get 2 more essays to score for Wolsey.
•HW: Final draft and final outline, rough draft and rough outline, and 3 part thesis due to hand in tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tue, Feb 22, 2011

Tue, Feb 22, 2011

AP Literature
• AR rdg
• Show me: 400 words & outline I, II, etc, and A, B, etc.
• Get back copies of Macbeth essays to review comments “to work on.”
• Quiz Preface to Pygmalion
• Read Pygmalion aloud in class
• HW: Handouts--Get prompt for Wolsey AP Exam essay, scoring guide, and sample student essay to score. Give at least one specific reason from the scoring guide for the score you give.
• HW: Complete draft 600-1200 words for peer editing in class Thursday
• HW Fri: Final draft & Final outline, Rough draft & Rough outline

Friday, February 18, 2011

Fri, Feb 18, 2011

Fri, Feb 18, 2011

AP Literature
• Hand in notes if you still have them.
• Quiz III-V of Jane Eyre Objective packet.
• Read the Preface to Pygmalion in class
• Show me your thesis and either your outline or your 400 words
HW: Due Tues: 400 words & outline I, II, etc, and A, B, etc.
HW: Due Thursday Feb24: completed draft of 600-1200 words for peer editing
HW: Due Friday Feb25:
• Final draft with an original title,
• Rough draft with corrections of your own (besides peer editing)
• Final outline with at least I, II, etc for body ¶s, and A, B, etc
• Rough outline and
• Rough thesis.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thu, Feb 17, 2011

Thu, Feb 17, 2011

AP Literature
• Hand in notes
• Quiz III-V Jane Eyre Objectives packet postponed until tomorrow.
• Discuss essay topics from packets.
1. Choose one topic for your JE essay.
2. Write a three step rough thesis (see below) which may continually evolve as you go.
3. Outline possible support & evidence
OR Write 400 words of a first draft.
HW: Due Tuesday Feb22: have thesis, outline, and at least 400 words written to show for points.
HW: Due Thursday Feb24: completed draft of 600-1200 words for peer editing
HW: Due Friday Feb25:
• Final draft with an original title,
• Rough draft with corrections of your own (besides peer editing)
• Final outline with at least I, II, etc for body ¶s, and A, B, etc for evidence, facts, etc.,
• Rough outline and
• Rough thesis.


1. Start with a simple or obvious statement that interests you and deals with something in the text for which you can get examples.

2. Draw inferences and ask yourself questions like why this happens/exists. Start thinking philosophically or symbolically about the universal truths that the work suggests. Challenge yourself to see something new/original/unique.

3. Add these new ideas to the original statement. Polish the statement continuously by eliminating linking verbs, working on structure, elevating vocabulary, adding appropriate adjectives and adverbs, using strong/articulate language that will force deep critical interpretation, etc. You must find a way to include a character’s name, the author’s name or the title of the work. (Not all three; one will do.)

Example of final statement: Odysseus’ love of the homeland, stronger than his love of his wife, symbolizes the universal human attachment to the unchanging land over another human who has the potential to change or die.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wed, Feb 16, 2011

Wed, Feb 16, 2011

AP Literature
• AR rdg
• Hand in notes and list of interesting topics
• Quiz on Life and Autobiography for J.E.
• Get back Terms 5 pretest
• AP Exam essay: Wolsey
• HW: Finish reading & taking notes on the articles in the Jane Eyre Objectives packet for :
III. Women’s Roles
IV. Gothic Influences
V. Events & Changes
• Essay writing HW for J.E. will begin tomorrow after discussion.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mon, Feb 14, 2010

AP Literature
• Hand in study qstns ch 35-38 & Answers
• Hand in Free Response 5, 6, or 7
• Get study packet for Jane Eyre
• Get discussion and essay topics & outline of JE
• Discuss essay
• HW: Read and take notes on Life and Autobiography sections for quiz
• HW: Look over discussion & essay topic choices on handout packet & list at least 3 that interest you, to be handed in.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Fri, Feb 11, 2011

Fri, Feb 11, 2011

English 12 Period 4
• AR rdg 10 mins
• Read, review pp78-80, paying attention to questions 4-13 from quiz, noting those not in the textbook.
• Watch video through dagger scene.

AP Literature
• Hand in in study qstns ch 33-34 & Free response #4
• Check study qstns ch 35-38 & return to owner
• Quiz ch 35-38
• Get Answers ch 37-38
• Check MC 21-30
• HW: Check your answers ch 35-38
• HW: Write free response 5, 6, or 7 in style of AP Exam essay. Do not type. Hand write only. Take 40 minutes to write. Note if you take more than 40 mins and why.

• Give me your play with the scene you want to do so I can make copies.
• Everyone must have a part with enough lines to present a character. You may be in more than one performance. Let me know if you need cast members.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wed, Feb 9, 2011

Wed, Feb 9, 2011

AP Literature
• AR rdg
• Hand in in study qstns ch 31-32, & Answers
• Check study qstns ch 33-34 & return to owner
• Quiz ch 33-34
• Get Answers ch 33-34 & study qstns ch 35-38
• Check MC 11-20
• Discuss 33-34
• Do MC 21-30 (15 minutes)
• HW: Read ch 35-38 and answer study qstns
• HW: Check your answers ch 33-34
• Write free response #4

Monday, February 07, 2011

Mon, Feb 7, 2011

Mon, Feb 7, 2011

AP Literature
• Hand in study qstns ch 29-30, keep Answers 29-32
• Check study qstns ch 31-32 & return to owner
• Quiz ch 31-32
• Get study qstns ch 33-34
• Discuss 31-32
• Hand in Free Response #2
• HW: Read ch 33-34 and answer study qstns
• HW: Check your answers ch 31-32

Friday, February 04, 2011

Fri, Feb 4, 2011

Fri, Feb 4, 2011

AP Literature
• Hand in study qstns ch 27-28 & Answers
• Check study qstns ch 29-30 & return to owner
• Quiz ch 29-30
• Get Answers ch 29-30 & study qstns ch 31-32
• Hand in Conclusion paraphrases
• Discuss ch 29-30.
• HW: Read ch 31-32 and answer study qstns
• HW: Check your answers ch 29-30
• HW: Due Mon Free Response #2

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Thu, Feb 3, 2011

Thu, Feb 3, 2011

AP Literature
• Hand in study qstns ch 25-26 & Answers
• Check study qstns ch 27-28 & return to owner
• Quiz ch 27-28
• Get Answers ch 27-28 & study qstns ch 29-30
• Get Mult Choice 1-10 back & discuss answers
• Discuss ch 27-28.
• HW: Read ch 29-30 and answer study qstns
• HW: Check your answers ch 27-28
• HW: Conclusions: paraphrase the 6 points succinctly
• HW: Due Mon Free Response #2

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Tues, Feb 1, 2011

Tues, Feb 1, 2011

AP Literature
• AR rdg
• Hand in study qstns ch 24 & Answers
• Check study qstns ch 25-26 & return to owner
• Quiz ch 25-26
• Get Answers ch 25-26 and study qstns ch 27-28
• Mult Choice 11-20
• Discuss ch 25-26.
• HW: Read ch 27-28 and answer study qstns
• HW: Check your answers ch 25-26

Monday, January 31, 2011

Mon, Jan 31, 2011

Mon, Jan 31, 2011

AP Literature
• Hand in study qstns ch 22-23 & Answers
• Check study qstns ch 24 & return to owner
• Quiz ch 24
• Get Answers ch 24 and study qstns ch 25-26
• Discuss ch 24
• Reminder to redo literary terms. You can do a few at a time instead of all you missed.
• HW: Read ch 25-26 and answer study qstns
• HW: Check your answers ch 24

Friday, January 28, 2011

Fri, Jan 28, 2011

Fri, Jan 28, 2011

AP Literature
• Hand in study qstns ch 20-21 & Answers
• Check study qstns ch 22-23 & return to owner
• Quiz ch 22-23
• Get Answers ch 22-23 and study qstns ch 24
• Discuss chs 22-23
• HW: Read ch 24 and answer study qstns
• HW: Check your answers ch 22-23

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thu, Jan 27, 2010

Thu, Jan 27, 2010

AP Literature
• Hand in study qstns ch 18-19 & Answers
• Check study qstns ch 20-21 & return to owner
• Quiz ch 20-21
• Get Answers ch 20-21 and study qstns chs 22-23
• Practice Free Response Qstn#1
• HW: Read ch 22-23 and answer study qstns
• HW: Check your answers ch 20-21

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tue, 25 Jan 2011

Tue, 25 Jan 2011

AP Literature
• AR rdg
• Hand in study qstns ch 17 & Answers
• Check study qstns ch 18-19& return to owner
• Quiz ch 18-19
• Get Answers ch 18-19 and study qstns chs 20-21
• Discuss ch 18-19
• Mult Choice Test in class 1-10 on J.Eyre
• HW: Read ch 20-21 and answer study qstns
• HW: Check your answers ch 18-19

Monday, January 24, 2011

MON, Jan 24, 2011

MON, Jan 24, 2011

AP Literature
• Hand in study qstns ch 15-16 & Answers
• Check study qstns ch 17 & return to owner
• Quiz ch 17
• Get Answers ch 17 and study qstns chs 18-19
• Discuss ch 17
• HW: Read ch 18-19 and answer study qstns
• HW: Check your answers ch 17

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fri 21 Jan 2010

Fri 21 Jan 2010

AP Literature
• Hand in study qstns & Answers chs 11-14
• Check study qstns chs 15-16
• Quiz chs 15-16 & check
• Get Answers for chs 15-16 & study qstns for 17
• Discuss chs 15-16 as time permits
• Pretest Literary Terms #5.
• HW: Read ch 17 & answer study qstns.
• HW: Check answers chs 15-16

THU, 20 Jan 2010

THU, 20 Jan 2010

AP Literature
• Hand in study qstns & Answers chs 6-10
• Check study qstns chs 11-14
• Quiz chs 11-14 & check
• Get Answers for chs 11-14 & study qstns for 15 & 16
• Discuss chs 11-14 as time permits
• Return Lit Terms Qzs and schedule Requizzes
• HW: Read chs 15-16 & answer study qstns.
• HW: Check answers chs 11-14

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tue, 18 Jan 2010

Tue, 18 Jan 2010

AP Literature
• AR rdg 10 mins
• Hand in study qstns & Answers chs 4&5
• Check study qstns chs 6-10
• Quiz chs 6-10
• Get Answers for chs 6-10. √ when your answer is similar, add brief notes to your answer when it isn’t
• Discuss chs 6-10 as time permits
• HW: Read JE Chs 11-14 & answer study qstns
• HW: Check answers chs 6-10

Fri, 14 Jan 2010

Fri, 14 Jan 2010

AP Literature
• Hand in Qstns 1-3 & Answer Packet
• Check Stdy Qstns 4&5
• Quiz 4 & 5
• Check
• Get Answer Packet chs 4& 5
• Discuss chs 1- 3
• HW: Rd chs 6-10 and answer study qstns.
• HW: Check answers chs 4&5

Monday, January 17, 2011

Thu, Jan 13, 2010

Thu, Jan 13, 2010

AP Literature
• Check Study questions chs 1-3
• Quiz chs 1-3
• Get answers for study qstns.
• Literary Terms #4
• HW:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tue, Jan 11, 2011

Tue, Jan 11, 2011

AP Literature
• AR rdg 10 mins
• Get Jane Eyre books from library
• Discuss Lyric 95 and compare poetry analysis techniques: Train of Thought and TPCASTT
• HW: Read JE Chs 1-3 & answer study qstns

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Fri, Jan 7, 2010

Fri, Jan 7, 2010

English 12: Pds 1 & 4
• AR reading
• Review summary sentences & qstns 1-7 p162 for The Canterbury Tales General Prologue
• Quiz on The Canterbury Tales General Prologue

AP Literature
• Quiz: Tennyson, "Lady of Shalott," and "Comment"
• Check Analyzing qstns 1-4&7 and In Memoriam Lyric 55 Train of Thought, and hand in both.
• HW:
Read "Tears, Idle Tears," p779 & answer Analyzing 1-5.
Read "Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal," p780 & do TPCASTT chart.
Read "Break, Break, Break," p781 & write Critical Response (short)in AP Exam style
Read "Crossing the Bar," p782 & write Critical Response (short)in AP Exam style

• Group 1 present Readers Theater for Twelve Angry Men.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

THU, Jan 6, 2010

THU, Jan 6, 2010

AP Literature
• AR rdg
• Quiz Victorian Pd
• Poetry analysis: 2 methods- Train of Thought & TPCASTT
• HW: Read Tennyson p777-8,“Lady of Shalott” & “Comment” p784-8 for quizzes. Answer Anlyz 1-4&7 p789.
• HW: Read “In Memoriam,” Lyric 55, &Write Train of Thought, one ¶ for each of the 5 stanzas. Do first stanza together in class.