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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Period 1
1. SRF
2. Quiz on Raleigh, Nature, and Spencer
3. Hand in Creative or Critical Response from p196 for "Nature, . . .", the list of differences between Raleigh and Spencer, and the drawings of the two couples and 5 events mentioned in bold on the top right of p 201.
4. Quiz on presented terms postponed to Monday.
5. In groups of 4, read the 3 stanzas of The Faerie Queene on p 201 and discuss to write a paraphrase for them, each student turning in his/her own version.
HOMEWORK: Read and study pp 200 &201, information about The Faerie Queene, for a written test tomorrow.

Period 2
1. SRF
2. Get gold textbooks for British Literature and turn to p 2. Read about life in early England. Copy the time line from the board with 5 given dates. For each date, tell WHO did WHAT.

1. AR reading 10 mins
2. Check 1) lists of peoples and descriptions, 2) ~50 word summaries of Anglo-Saxon life and religion, and the 5 questions about pp 12-13.
3. For the characters Beowulf, Grendel, and Hrothgar and the place Herot, listed on p 13, draw your idea of what they look like, one to a sheet of paper. See Art Rubric below.
Art Rubric
1) Fill the page
2) Use at least 3 colors
3) Print name of drawing big and bold at the top.
4) Put facts around the drawing.

Valdespino, G

Sauls, E
Tardy: Siatunuu, J

Haraguchi, A