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Friday, October 20, 2006

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Thursday, October 19, 2006

PERIODs 2 & 4
1. AR reading 10 mins & log AR DEADLINE BK 1: MON OCT 30
2. Hand in any more papers on Grendel VS Beowulf FINAL DRAFT and ROUGH DRAFT with corrections in a different color
3. Film of Beowulf period 2
4. Art project: Choose words from Beowulf handout to illustrate.
1) Write the quote in dark ink on unlined paper.
2) Fill the rest of the page with a drawing of what the quotation says.
3) Use at least 3 colors.
4) Use contrast from white to black (don't use all medium tones).

Francis, P
Namahoe, C
Ridela, P
Siatunuu, J
Clark, P
Gionet, J
Lord, J
Lutali, E
Sabatino, D
Crisolo, M