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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thursday, August 30, 2007

1. Any more college essays to turn in? Any more summaries?
2. Get STAR results to write in agenda. Discuss how to find a book.
3. Go to library to get an AR book.

1. Voc Quiz 1-4
2. Hand in essay and your plan for it.
3. Handouts: Tone, Hamlet, Drama, Reading Record Cards
4. Discuss tone of poems p213
5. Sign for copy of Hamlet.
HOMEWORK: Read handouts on Hamlet and Drama and Act 1 for quiz tomorrow.
HOMEWORK: Start working on Reading Record Cards, due Monday for summer novels.

1. Quiz Vocabulary 1-10
2. Notes on preposition and interjection
3. Check English section from the ACT Exam 1-26
HOMEWORK: Complete the English section up to #75.