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Monday, October 15, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

PERIODs 1 & 2
AR rdg
Per 1: Art on Beowulf pp121-5 in purple book:
Quote from story and give line numbers. Write in dark ink.
Fill the page
Use at least 3 colors
Don't use stick figures
Per 2: Watch Beowulf video

Check S and S work on poems
Quiz on Donne, poetry article, and 4 works
HW #1: Take 2-column/ Cornell NOTES on all chapters covered in S and S.
LEFT side: Chapter number and title;
RIGHT side: Subtitles, if given
Brief notes that you need to remember
Title and author of poems you answered questions on
ACROSS BOTH SIDES: Summarize chapter
HW#2: Read chapter 2 pp17-24
Answer questions on poems 9&10
For poems 11-18, choose enough poems to answer 9 questions
Answer Exercise p32
HW#3: Read Milton pp414-418. Answer all questions and critical responses for both poems.

Go over answers to the quarter exam