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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Outline for AP

OUTLINE for finding information
Chapter # & Page # in tan edition

1. p6 Jane lives with the Reed family, relatives who do not love her.
John Reed attacks Jane for reading a book and she fights back and is punished.
2. p11 Jane’s punishment is to stay alone in her uncle’s red room.
When Jane screams in fear, her aunt forces her to stay longer and she blacks out.
3. p17 Jane recovers from unconsciousness and is tended to by a pharmacist.
Bessie, the children’s nurse, takes care of Jane.
Jane is miserable, but she does not want to go live with her poor relatives and become a beggar.
4. p26 Jane talks back to her aunt, saying she, Jane, is a worthier person than her aunt’s children.
Mr. Brocklehurst interviews Jane for school and her aunt tells him that Jane is a liar.
Jane rejects her aunt, saying she will never call her aunt again because she left her in the red room.

5. p40 Jane travels alone to Lowood, her new boarding school, a charity for poor orphan girls.
Conditions are bad, such as burned food, but the superintendent is kind to the girls.
6. p52 Jane meets Helen Burns, a devout Christian who befriends her.
7. p59 Mr. Brocklehurst expects the girls’ lives to be austere, allowing not even curly hair.
When Mr. Brocklehurst sees Jane, he embarrasses her by making her wear a sign that says she is a liar.
8. p68 Helen and Miss Temple, the superintendent, make Jane feel better about her embarrassment.
9. p76 In the spring a typhus epidemic hits Lowood and Helen Burns dies.
Jane makes another friend, but spends Helen’s last night with Helen.
10. p84 Things get better for the girls at Lowood after the epidemic.
After 6 more years as a pupil, Jane becomes a teacher there.
When Miss Temple leaves, Jane advertises and finds a job as a governess.
Before Jane leaves Lowood, Bessie comes to see her.
Bessie tells Jane that her uncle John Reed came to Gateshead to see her.

11. p94 In her new position as governess at Thornfield, Jane meets Mrs. Fairfax and Adele.
12. p110 Jane adjusts to Thornfield with its strange noises and one night helps a fallen rider on the road.
13. p120 Jane gets to know Adele and Mr. Rochester, plays the piano for him, and shows him her art.
14. p130 Mr. Rochester tells Jane the kind of man he is.
15. p143 Jane hears about Mr. Rochester’s affair with Celine Varens.
Jane hears noises and finds a fire in Mr. Rochester’s room. She wakens him by throwing water on him.
He thanks her, takes her hand, and holds it in his hands, not letting her leave immediately.
Jane sees a fire in his eyes and later in her room feels both troubled and joyous.
16. p155 The next day Jane finds Mr. Rochester gone to party with friends and a girlfriend named Blanche.
Jane disciplines herself by drawing 2 portraits comparing her plainness with Blanche’s beauty.
17. p164 Mr. Rochester brings the party and guests to Thornfield and invites Jane to be introduced.
Blanche comments on her distaste for governesses.
18. p184 The party-goers play charades. One scene is a wedding.
An old gypsy woman arrives and asks to tell the fortunes of the single women.
19. p198 When Jane goes to have her fortune told they talk about Mr. Rochester.
A Mr. Mason turns up at Thornfield, upsetting Mr. Rochester.
20. p208 One night Jane hears a cry, sounds of a struggle, and shouting in the room above hers.
The household and guests are awakened, and Mr. Rochester tells everyone to go back to bed.
Jane goes to her room, gets dressed, and waits.
Mr. Rochester comes to her and takes her to Mr. Mason, who is injured and asks her to help.
Later, Mr. Rochester tells Jane that she will help him be a better person. She says only he can do that.
21. p223 Jane goes back to Gateshead when she hears Mrs. Reed is dying and has asked for her.
Jane finds out about John, Eliza, and Georgiana. Jane forgives Mrs. Reed for her mistreatment.
Mrs. Reed tells Jane that her uncle John wanted to adopt her but that she told him Jane was dead.
22. p244 When Jane returns to Thornfield, she finds Mr. Rochester sitting outside waiting for her.
23. p261 Jane and Mr. Rochester go into the garden, he asks her to marry him, and she says she will.
As they leave the garden, lightning strikes a large tree and splits it in two.
24. p261 Mr. Rochester sends for jewels to give to Jane.
Mr. Rochester tells Jane he tried to make her jealous by pretending to be marrying Blanche Ingram.
Mrs. Fairfax warns Jane to think carefully about marrying Mr. Rochester.
25. p279 Jane is so eager for Mr. Rochester to return from a trip that she walks out alone at night to greet him.
She tells him of disturbing dreams and a vampire-like creature who destroyed her wedding veil.
26. p291 Jane and Mr. Rochester go to the church to marry, but someone objects, saying Mr. Rochester is already married.
Mr. Rochester admits he is and takes everyone to meet Bertha.
Jane shuts herself up in her room to think and pray for help.
27. p302 Jane knows she must leave Thornfield.
When she walks out of her room, she faints but Mr. Rochester has been waiting there and catches her.
He says he never meant to hurt her, and they discuss the situation.
He pleads with her to join him in another country where no one will know he is married to Bertha.
She refuses and says she will leave him.
When she goes to her room to sleep, she cannot and decides to leave Thornfield immediately.

28. p327 The coach leaves Jane at Whitcross where she sleeps on the heath.
Jane tries to find food in a village.
Wandering, Jane walks toward a light in a house on the moor and is taken in by St. John Rivers.
29. p344 Jane learns about the Rivers family and is accepted by them.
30. p355 St. John offers Jane a job teaching at a new school for girls.
31. p364 St. John explains his plans and reveals that he loves Rosamond Oliver, a rich man’s daughter.
32. p372 Rosamond knows St. John loves her, but he says he can never marry her.
33. p383 St. John discovers Jane’s real name and tells Jane about her inheritance from her uncle John.
Jane finds out she is related to the Rivers family and Jane shares her inheritance with them.
34. p395 Jane quits teaching and lives with the Rivers family.
Jane letters to Thornfield go unanswered.
St. John teaches Jane Hindustani and asks her to marry him and to go with him to India.
35. p416 Jane considers marrying St. John, and he tries to convince her to do it.
Jane hears a voice of Mr. Rochester calling her and she answers that she will go to him.

36. p428 Jane goes to Thornfield and finds it burned to the ground.
In the town nearby she finds discovers what happened at Thornfield and where Mr. Rochester now lives.
37. p437 Jane finds Mr. Rochester at Ferndean, he asks her to marry him, and she says she will.
38. p457 Jane and Edward marry and their firstborn is a son. St. John Rivers goes to India.