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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

MON, SEP 28, 2009


Pds 1 & 4
1. AR reading and logs
2. Review sheet to study for exam
3. Makeup art & new quarter 2 AR log

Pd 2
1. Edit each other’s rough drafts by writing “Edited by_____” at the top in a different color. Write + for good, ? for don’t understand, and “more” for parts that need specific details or that the editor is interested in reading more about.
Hand in drafts.
HW: Read Act 4 and write synopses for scenes. Due Friday

Pd 6
1. AR reading and logs
2. Hand in homework
3. Canterbury Art Project
•Pick a pilgrim from pp 95-103.
•Write details about him or her from story. Document pg & line #s.Ex: (p103 l265)
•Draw the pilgrim based on descriptive quotations (no stick figures) and write quotations near the art
- 1 sheet unlined paper 8&1/2 by 11 in
- 3 colors minimum
1) Find a pilgrim from pp 95-103
2) Write who it is in big, dark letters across the top of the paper
3) Draw a picture of the pilgrim described, using details given in the Prologue (no stick figures)
4) Add quotations to the drawing that describe the pilgrim
5) Make the art fill the space
6) Show effort by using details
7) Use contrast from black to white