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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

TUE, DEC 1, 2009

TUE, DEC 1, 2009

Pd 1
1. AR reading& log
2. Watch, write, & talk about Canterbury Tales. Write who told the tale & what happened in it.
3] Wife/Woman of Bath told of a knight who raped a virgin and was punished by being forced to marry an old woman who had magic powers.
4] Merchant told of January, an old man who married a young virgin who cheated on him.

Pd 2
1. Pass out books
2. AR reading& log
3. Hand in Syntax answers
4. Discuss Paradise Lost reading
5. Quiz Temptation of Eve
HW: Write a phrase, line, or lines that you like from Paradise Lost, Temptation of Eve.
HW: Read pp 448-457 “The Restoration & the Eighteenth Century” for a quiz. Tell which of the 4 Ages appeals to you most, then tell why it appeals and why the others don’t.