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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tue, Jan 26, 2010

Tue, Jan 26, 2010

Pds 1 & 4
1. AR reading & log
2. Finish discussing questions
3. Quiz “On His Blindness”
4. Read “On His Having Arrived at the Age of Twenty-Three.” p 63

Pd 2
1. Qz J.E. chps 6-10
2. Check Study Qstns chps 6-10
3. Discuss J.E.
4. Discuss Lucy poems, get TP-CCASTT handout to keep in binder
HW: Read chps 11&12 & answer study questions.
AR rdg tomorrow is postponed to Thursday during trip to library

Pd 6
1. AR rdg and log
2. Discuss essay in groups
3. Read quotes aloud
4. Read Act 2 aloud
HW: Pick good quote from Act 2, write, document, and give Speaker, Occasion (the situation), Attitude of speaker, and Paraphrase the quote (write in your own words). Go back and do this for the quote from Act 1.